EIT-Manufacturing related activities

The EIT-Manufacturing innovation and knowledge community, associated with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), had in 2020 its first year of activity. With more than 50 European partners (of a total of 17 countries) leaders in the industrial, education and research sectors. FEUP (through the R&D unit SYSTEC), together with INEGI, makes part of this community as Linked Third Party of INESC-TEC, has developed several activities throughout the year where some of those stand out:

  • FEUP has attended in the innovation project entitled Zero Defects 4.0 coordinated by Sonae Arauco. Based on advanced systems for predictive analytics, the project focused on the development of a solution that anticipates defects in the wood-based panels production, reducing raw material waste and energy consumption in those processes. Due to innovation and ambitious goals of Zero Defects 4.0, the project was nominated to the EIT Awards 2020 in the Innovators’ category.
  • Project CPPS 101 - A Tutorial Introduction to Cyber Physical Production Systems – coordinated by FEUP developed a set of learning and didactic contents to answer the industry needs and challenges, where the nowadays observed introduction of new technologies in the companies requires training of new experts and continuous adaptation of learning skills.
  • In a partnership with Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (FR), Grenoble Institute of Technology and Management (FR), Czech Technical University of Prague (CZ), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SL) e University of Tartu (EE), FEUP was involved in building the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School which intends to develop a complementary programme to all existing doctoral programmes offered by the partner institutions, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Gil Gonçalves, Professor at the Engineering Informatics Department in FEUP was nominated as Director of the scientific and industrial commission of EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School for the biennium 2021-2022.

National and European level initiatives

  • In 2020 the R&D project DEZMPP (Digital Enterprise Zeugma Modular Production Platform) has started. Funded by Portugal2020 programme and coordinated by Zeugma, along with the collaboration of Siemens, FEUP is part of the project’s consortium by R&D unit SYSTEC. With the duration of 3 years, DEZMPP aims at developing an advanced digital production solution for automated industrial platforms dedicated to the assembly and test of components. The project focus on the development of a Digital Twin technology for highly modular equipment as a strategy to develop the next generation of machines for Industry 4.0.
  • Within the same year of 2020, another project funded by Portugal 2020 has started, entitled PRODUCTECH Sustentável & Circular (Soluções inovadoras, sustentáveis e circulares com impacto na fileira das tecnologias de produção). Coordinated by COLEP and composed by a consortium of 23 partners, 13 of which are companies, FEUP is involved through several R&D units, being one of them SYSTEC. With a timespan of 3 year, the project aims at developing key differentiating and innovative solutions as an answer to the urgent need of digital transformation focusing on circular economy and sustainability.
  • The R&D National Project FERROVIA 4.0 funded by Portugal 2020 has started in 2020. Coordinated by EFACEC together with 21 partners, 9 of which are companies, FEUP is involved through several R&D units, being one of them SYSTEC. With a duration of 3 years, FERROVIA 4.0 intends to develop different components, tools and systems to be tested in operational infrastructures, which are driven by economic and ecological sustainability of Portuguese railway system towards cost reduction of operational and maintenance actions. DIGI2 is responsible for the development of a augmented reality system for maintenance operations, as well as several IoT related activities.

Partnerships established throughout the last decade.


On going Projects focusing on Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Robotics in Industry.


Scientific Publications in peer-reviwed international conferences and journals.


Hard Working researchers focusing on leaving a mark in the scientific community