The manufacturing industry is a global base for prosperity and key to Europe’s economic, social and environmental sustainability. Manufacturing is a main driver of industrial innovation, job creation and growth for the European society. It stands for over 2.1 million manufacturing enterprises in Europe, providing over 32 million jobs, which corresponds to 16% of the total EU working population, including approximately 13 million jobs in the growing high-tech manufacturing industry and in 2016, the share of EU-28 GDP originated by manufacturing was 16.1% (Eurostat, GDP percentage of total, industry breakdowns, 10.01.2018), corresponding to a total turnover of EUR 7.11 trillion (European Commission, Factories of the Future Manufacturing in Horizon 2020 and beyond, 2017).
Vision and Motivation
Key Partners
EIT-M Activities
Research Projects
Zero Defects 4.0
Zero Defects 4.0 is a data-driven Decision Support System that improves manufacturing decision making in order to ensure an improved and consistent level of product quality (towards zero defects), whilst generating higher production efficiency and more agile and cost-efficient product development.
ShapiNG II project goal is to motivate and raise the interest of young Europeans, with particular emphasis on school students (ages 12-18), with a special focus on females, and on teaching the teachers for activities in the field of manufacturing, within the EIT RIS countries: Portugal, Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Estonia.
AIMS2 - Artificial Intelligence for Students and SMEs
In the Industrial transformation, there are frontrunners, followers and laggards among professionals, students and teachers. This AI-focused education project brings these groups together to accelerate the digital transformation. Next to teaching new generations of students, the professional education of technical workers and teachers is crucial because most of the current workforce has not received formal education in these digital technologies. This project will deliver state-of-the-art AI education using practical industry-relevant use cases to professionals and students in four countries, in co-operation with private companies.
FactoRIS - Learning Factories for Digital Transformation of SMEs
FactoRIS’s project goal is to support digital transformation of existing production infrastructure of RIS based SMEs towards waste-free manufacturing. Typical challenges faced during this transformation will be identified. Best practice procedures will be developed for specific tasks aiming at waste minimisation, such as process optimization, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, lifespan extension of equipment by retrofitting, etc. These will be provided as guidelines with the aim to encourage creative thinking. Identified challenges and proposed solutions will be demonstrated on real testbeds in laboratories of activity partners (learning factories). It is envisaged to use simulation technologies (digital twins), data collection and evaluation in cloud, and other suitable enabling technologies. Since similar challenges are relevant to RIS countries in general, networking and sharing of good practices among activity partners will extend the impact to a transnational level.
YML-TWO (Young Manufacturing Leaders - Talented Workforce for an Open society)
The Young Manufacturing Leaders (YML) initiative aims to create a network of students and young people who will be mobilized as ambassadors of the manufacturing sector. These young people will spread awareness about the sector’s importance and the evolution of manufacturing roles within local communities. The project therefore contributes to the alleviation of job shortages widely felt in the sector.
DIGIMAN - aDvanced studIes in DigItalisation of MANufacturing
DIGIMAN aims at contributing to successfully shaping workforce transformation by developing a post-graduation for the future T-shaped professionals with a combination of high-tech skills (cyber-physical systems and IoT, analytics and machine learning, robotics and AI, lean 4.0) and general skills across multiple domains (creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, etc.).
M-NEST - Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
M-NEST-II aims to deliver innovative courses enabling the financial exploitation of educational assets (e.g., nuggets, T&LFs, etc.) resultant from two previous activities: M-NEST-I and M-NEST-RIS.
AIMS2 - Artificial Intelligence for Students and SMEs
In the Industrial transformation, there are frontrunners, followers and laggards among professionals, students and teachers. This AI-focused education project brings these groups together to accelerate the digital transformation. Next to teaching new generations of students, the professional education of technical workers and teachers is crucial because most of the current workforce has not received formal education in these digital technologies. This project will deliver state-of-the-art AI education using practical industry-relevant use cases to professionals and students in four countries, in co-operation with private companies.
AIMS2 - Artificial Intelligence for Students and SMEs
In the Industrial transformation, there are frontrunners, followers and laggards among professionals, students and teachers. This AI-focused education project brings these groups together to accelerate the digital transformation. Next to teaching new generations of students, the professional education of technical workers and teachers is crucial because most of the current workforce has not received formal education in these digital technologies. This project will deliver state-of-the-art AI education using practical industry-relevant use cases to professionals and students in four countries, in co-operation with private companies.
AIMS2 - Artificial Intelligence for Students and SMEs
In the Industrial transformation, there are frontrunners, followers and laggards among professionals, students and teachers. This AI-focused education project brings these groups together to accelerate the digital transformation. Next to teaching new generations of students, the professional education of technical workers and teachers is crucial because most of the current workforce has not received formal education in these digital technologies. This project will deliver state-of-the-art AI education using practical industry-relevant use cases to professionals and students in four countries, in co-operation with private companies.