2022 MDSE – Sunset Session: Ethics and Responsability in AI

** FEUP, 2nd July, room B032 and online **

With the preparation of the 3rd edition of the M.Sc. on Data Science and Engineering (https://dei.fe.up.pt/mdse/) well under way, it is time to look back at what was accomplished so far and also to project the future. This will be done as part of the 2022 MDSE Sunset Session, on the 2nd July (Saturday), in a relaxed environment but focused on a very important topic: Ethics and Responsability in AI.

The program will feature two keynote talks, by Ana Costa e Silva (Mercer) and Pedro Saleiro (Feedzai), as well as a panel discussion including Inês de Matos Pinto (S&D Group @ European Parliament), Inês Sousa (Fraunhofer Portugal) and Peter van der Putten (Pegasystems & U. Leiden), moderated by Eugénio Oliveira (FEUP). During the event MDSE students will also present some of their projects.

The event is targeted both to companies, looking for talent in Data Science, as well as prospect students, looking for an advanced education on Data Science.

The detailed program can be found below. Participation is free but requires registration at: https://forms.gle/Hd9GFvFwcBzUA9eR9


14:30 – Opening – João Mendes Moreira – Director of the M.Sc. on Data Science and Engineering (MDSE)

14:40 – Ana Costa e Silva – Global Chief of Data Science @ Mercer, TBA

introduced by António Pedro Aguiar

15:10 – Pedro Saleiro – Director of AI Research @ Feedzai, challenges in the development of responsible AI research/solutions in Industry

introduced by José Luís Borges

15:40 – MDSE Student Showcase

introduced by Ana Aguiar

  • Cláudia Pinheiro: AI-based cancer characterisation using semi-supervised learning algorithms
  • Diogo Queirós: Reconciling prediction in the regression setting: an application to Portuguese breweries’ market share prediction
  • Nuno Gaspar: Prediction of Shell Finite-Element Stresses using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Rafael Guedes: Data, machine vision and reinforcement learning for explainable and safe autonomous driving of platooning vehicles
  • Wagner Ceulin: Predicting customer purchasing behavior of a self-care online store
  • João Pedro Pêgo: Predicting candidate engagement in a job matchmaking site

16:30 – Coffee Break

17:10 – Panel discussion

moderated by Eugénio de Oliveira – Emeritus Professor @ FEUP

18:20 – Closing João Mendes Moreira – Director of the MDSE

18.30 – Sunset Drinks & Networking

19.30 – End

We are very grateful to our partners for their support