Data Science & Engineering @ FEUP
What is data science & engineering?
Data Science (DS) is a combination of science, engineering and art skills to extract useful knowledge from data. It involves different areas of knowledge, from statistics to databases and computer science, from artificial intelligence to machine learning and deep learning. It is used to solve important problems of our economy and society, from predicting the sales of products and recommending the best product for a customer, to supporting the diagnosis of patients and analysing the spread of a virus.
Is MDSE a good fit for me?
The programme is targeted to people with quantitative training (mainly engineering, physical sciences and economics/management). While it is suitable for recent graduates, it is also designed for licensed professionals and even master degree holders, to requalify or reinforce their training in this area.
Why Study DS @ FEUP?
The objective of the master's degree in Data Science and Engineering (MDSE) is to promote the excellence of qualification in nuclear and advanced aspects of Data Science (DS), from its theoretical foundations to the integration of computer technologies in organizations. The MDSE aims to answer the market demand for data scientists. It is born naturally out of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, given the excellent teaching and research staff of the three departments involved: Informatics Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management and Electrical and Computer Engineering. The strong skills in DS at FEUP are confirmed by the extensive teaching experience, the impact of scientific publications and the quality of the scientific and R&ID projects carried out.
Why take the MDSE?
Which career can I pursue with an MDSE degree?
Data Science & Engineering is an area with a wide range of options for exciting careers:
• a data scientist at a company, delivering projects for your company as well as external customers;
• a data science researcher at a lab, expanding the limits of the area by developing new methods as well as applying to novel domains;
• a data science researcher in a company, driving innovation to keep your company at the edge.
What can a MDSE graduate do?
As an MDSE graduate you will be able::
• to understand in a critical and in-depth manner the central principles, methodologies and techniques of Data Science (DS), particularly those applicable to problems of large size and complexity;
• to design and implement new and complex DS solutions and products using state-of-the-art knowledge in the area, given ethical, social, legal, technological and economic constraints;
• to critically judge new technological solutions and promote the search and application of innovative DS methods and solutions to challenging problems, appealing to curiosity, creativity and rigor;
• to work efficiently in a project team as a data scientist to develop projects that add value to organizations;
• to communicate their highly technological reasoning to diverse audiences, orally or in writing, in (inter)national contexts, fostering positive change in organizations;
• to continue their training on DS independently and throughout life.
Who has received a DS&E education at FEUP?

Ana Luísa Loureiro (MIEM 2011), FEUP Researcher
In my career as a researcher in FEUP and INESC-TEC and during my Ph.D. program, I have been learned how […]

Maria João Mira Paulo (MIEIC 2019), Software Engineer at Talkdesk
During my master’s thesis in data science, I discovered that marketing isn’t just all about overwhelming information but it is […]

Gabriel Lopes (MIB), IT Consultant at KPMG.
My master thesis was extremely important in my professional success! It gave me tools to apply data science concepts in […]

Martinho Abrunhosa de Brito (MIEGI 2018), business analyst at Farfetch.
Data Science is not just a buzzword. It really solves real problems, it impacts billions of people and it is […]

Carlos Gomes (MIEGI 2010), Head of Data Science at NovaSBE Data Science Knowledge Center.
My academic path at FEUP was marked by a strong proximity to data and quantitative subjects. Operations Research and the […]

Tiago Cunha (PRODEI 2019), Machine Learning Researcher at Expedia Group.
Having spent all my academic life at FEUP, it is inevitable that should hold a great deal of importance on […]

Diogo Seca (MIEIC 2019), machine learning researcher at INESC TEC.
No book, and no free-for-all online course will give you the same insights as the lessons taught by seasoned professors […]

Luis Moreira-Matias (PRODEI 2015), Head of Data Science at MONEDO HOLDING GmbH.
FEUP is not a simple university….it is a culture. Assets like Excellence, Teamwork, Instinct, Knowledge and Expertise are the backbone […]

Tiago Neves (MIEEC 2019), research assistant at INESC TEC.
Personally, the DS&E education at FEUP gave me knowledge that allowed to be able to transition to a research position. […]
Francisco Gomes (MIEIC 2019), software engineer at Feedzai.
Even though I attended a single course on data science, I was able to develop a M.Sc. thesis on the […]

Mohammad Nozari (MAP-tele 2016), data scientist at Vestas.
I applied for a Ph.D. after working in the telecommunication industry. I was interested in either pursuing a more technical […]
Who hires MDSE graduates?
A large number of companies has shown interest in our programme.
Pratical info
Tuition fees are (full time students):
• 2,500.00€/year, for national and foreign students not covered by the international student status.
• 6,000.00€/year, students covered by the international student status
• 3,300.00€/year, students covered by the international student status (CPLP)
What is the schedule of the lessons?
Lessons are on Friday (all day) and Saturday morning.
directors, scientific committee and staff

José Luís Borges
Associate professor @ FEUP
Senior researcher @ INESC TEC

Adjunct Director
João Mendes Moreira
Assistant professor @ FEUP
Senior researcher @ INESC TEC

Scientific Committee
Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar
Assistant professor @ FEU

Scientific Committee
António Pedro Aguiar
Associate professor @ FEUP
Coordinator @ Cyber-Physical Control Systems and Robotics lab (C2SR)

Scientific Committee
Carlos Soares
Associate professor @ FEUP
Innovation Lead @ Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
Researcher at the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (LIACC)
How do I apply?
Specific conditions to access the cycle of studies are described in the application page.
2022 MDSE – Sunset Session: Ethics and Responsability in AI
** FEUP, 2nd July, room B032 and online ** With the preparation of the 3rd edition of the M.Sc. on […]
Fwd: Eurekathon by LTPlabs, PBS and NOS – Challenging Data for Sustainable Cities
EUREKATHON is a data-driven competition that addresses societal issues associated with sustainable development goals. If you are a student or […]
Master in Data Science and Engineering (MDSE) 2021/22 – 2nd cycle of studies admission – 2nd Phase Start date: 2021-04-16 […]
Master in Data Science and Engineering (MDSE) 2021/22 – 2nd cycle of studies admission – 1st Phase Start date: 2021-02-01 […]
Contact Us
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
Email: mecd@fe.up.pt
Phone: 225 081 977/1405
Fax: 225 081 440