The Data Science and Engineering (DSE) talks, organized in the scope of the M.Sc. on Data Science & Engineering at FEUP, provide a privileged forum for the presentation and discussion of recent achievements and challenges regarding research and real-world application of DSE. The series will consist of talks given by leading researchers and practitioners from academia, research labs, and industry, and will cover the wide spectrum of topics in the area, from big data infrastructures and machine learning algorithms to MLOps and case studies. The anticipated target audience for the DSEtalks includes students, researchers and practitioners from academia, research labs and industry.
DSE is a combination of science, engineering and art skills to extract useful knowledge from data. It involves different areas of knowledge, from statistics to databases and computer science, from artificial intelligence to machine learning and deep learning. It is used to solve important problems of our economy and society, from predicting the sales of products and recommending the best product for a customer, to supporting the diagnosis of patients and analysing the spread of a virus.
If you are really interested in DSE, you can apply for the M.Sc. on Data Science & Engineering at FEUP.
Upcoming Talks

Houston, we have a model…
Affiliation: Devscope
Bio: Rui Quintino is AI & Analytics Strategy Advisor at DevScope and works with Microsoft data related technologies since 1998. A former Microsoft MVP for data platform, he's also a frequent speaker in data & AI community events. Rui currently works with several teams, advising on best practices, tools & processes for better use of AI & Machine Learning capabilities.
Cycle: DSE Lab@MDSE
Watch here

IBM Watson
Affiliation: IBM
Cycle: DSE Lab@MDSE

Power BI
Affiliation: Microsoft
Cycle: DSE Lab@MDSE
Click here
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