Digital Media Meetups

Monthly Meetings For Students And Alumni Of The Digital Media Ph.D.

The Digital Media Meetups (DMM) are monthly meetings meant to bring together students and alumni of the Digital Media Ph.D. – University of Porto and Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The primary goal of these meetings is to share experiences, ask and get help, and to foster collaborations.

Event structure

  • Students elevator Ptich – 2 minutes each
  • Presentation (15 minutes) + questions: the presentations should be about the presenters’ work, methodologies, their personal and academic journey throughout the P.h.D.
  • Accountability roundtable: after the presentation participants will share what goals they have for the next month. The goals will be revisited in the following meetup, and we will discuss what went right, wrong and keep each other accountable.
  • Afterward, participants can ask for help, share their work, and hang out.


The Digital Media Meetups at Oporto are organized on a volunteer basis, with the support of the PhD Accompanying Committee.

When: Dates will be previously announced

Where: Faculdade de Engenharia (FEUP) – Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 , PORTO – Sala I -105, Departamento de Engenharia Informática


When: To be announced

Where: iNOVA Media Lab – Avenida de Berna, 26 C, Building B1, room 1.09.

Current & Past Meetups

PDMD Meetup-Porto #4 Follow Up

No passado dia 26 de fevereiro, decorreu mais um Digital Media Meetup, na FEUP. Este evento contou com a presença de um alumni do Programa Doutoral em Media Digitais, Hugo Machado da Silva, que partilhou a sua experiência ao longo do seu percurso no PDMD. A sua apresentação intitulada “How to do a PhD in […]