Lecture DEI Series
Date: July 26th
Time: 17:30
Room: I-105
Speaker: Susan K. “Kathy” Land
Affiliation: Program Manager US Department of Defense
Every organization faces their own unique challenges when developing software, none more so than America’s Army (www.americasarmy.com). Americab s Army (AA) is a computer game produced by the US Army to promote Army recruiting and the seven core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. From 2005 to 2007, Ms. Land was the Production Planner responsible for the successful Americab s Army Special Forces/Overmatch release, which hosted over 8 million registered players world wide for the PC version of the game.
During her talk she will describe some of the classic software engineering challenges and market pressures associated with commercial game production as the AA Project Office moved into the competitive domain of commercial game development and how they were successful with a little help from classic software engineering and IEEE software and system engineering standards.
Short Bio
Ms. Susan K. (Kathy) Land is an acknowledged expert and author in the field of software engineering standardization, software process improvement, and engineering project management. As 2018 Vice President of IEEE Technical Activities, Ms. Land expanded the focus on diversity, entrepreneurship, future directions, young professionals, and standards. Ms. Land demonstrated senior executive leadership experience in a career spanning industry and government systems and software product acquisition and development.
Ms. Land is an IEEE Fellow receiving numerous awards for performance and service, which include the Northrop Grumman/TASC President’s Coin, Huntsville Professional of the Year, Huntsville Association of Technical Societies Moquin Award, IEEE Computer Society (CS) Richard E. Merwin Award and the IEEE Standards Association Standards Medallion. She served as the 2009 president of the IEEE CS, three terms on the IEEE Board of Directors, and two terms as a member of the IEEE-USA Board of Directors. More at www.susankathyland.com.

Using IEEE Software & System Engineering Standards to Support America’s Army Gaming Development
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