Call for Participation – 20th International Summer School on Training And Research On Testing

TAROT (Training And Research On Testing) is a network created to foster the mobility of students, faculty members and research scientists working in the field of testing of software and communication systems. Because of its success, this network continued beyond its original Marie Curie Research Training Network funding.
This summer school brings together lecturers, researchers, students and people from the industry across Europe for one week of presentations, discussions and getting to know each other.
The main goal of the TAROT Summer School is to give researchers and particularly PhD students the opportunity to follow a number of tutorials or invited talks by key experts in the field. The TAROT Summer School is open to researchers from any institution in the world, working in the area of testing, both from academia and from industry.
For the list of speakers, visit
*** *Important Dates* ***
Application deadline: March 10th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: March 20th, 2020
Registration: March 20th – 30th, 2020
Summer School: July 6th – 10th, 2020
*** *Application* ***
Send an email to the *Organizing Chair (Ana Paiva: ***
<>*)* with the following
Full name; Address; Email; One page CV; Motivation; Recommendation letter (if any)
Email subject: TAROT2020.
**** Venue ****
TAROT 2020 will be held at the Porto Innovation Hub.
Porto Innovation Hub <> (PIH), launched in 2016, is an initiative of the Municipality of Porto, which aims to be a platform for the reinforcement of the city’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Based on the “The innovation in the city’s transformation” topic, PIH seeks to show the direct impact of innovation on the improvement of the citizens’ quality of life.
PIH is located in the Porto city center near *Trindade metro station* and surrounded by hotels, restaurants, and bars. UNESCO classifies the Historic Centre of Porto, the oldest area of the city, as World Heritage since 1996.
Address: Largo do Dr. Tito Fontes 15
4000-538, Porto
We are looking forward to your participation!
TAROT organizing committee


Professora do DEI premiada em conferência internacional.

A Professora do DEI Ana Paiva foi premiada pela conferência ISSRE – International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. Esta conferência comemora 30 anos e decidiu selecionar 26 artigos considerados os mais influentes destes 30 anos. O artigo “A pattern-based approach for GUI modeling and testing”, publicado em 2013, foi um dos 26 artigos considerados os mais influentes.

Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge

A estudante do Mestrado Integrado em Bioengenharia Catarina Lourenço, orientada pelo Prof. Luís Teixeira e pelo Prof. Michel van Putten (University of Twente), ganhou o Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge para tese de mestrado.

Workshop de C++ – NIAEFEUP

O NIAEFEUP organizou mais um workshop de iniciação de C++, direcionado para quem esta às escuras com a programação ou simplesmente tem curiosidade em aprender um pouco mais. O mesmo decorreu no dia 2 de Outubro, na FEUP e teve uma duração de 3h.

Ana Paiva e Jorge Ferreira receberam o Best Paper Award no âmbito da QUATIC’19

Um grupo de investigadores da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) e INESC TEC foi recentemente distinguido em Espanha com o Best Paper Award no âmbito da “QUATIC’19 – 12th Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology” que decorreu na Ciudad Real em Espanha de 11 a 13 de setembro de 2019.
Da autoria de Ana C. R. Paiva e Jorge Ferreira, o artigo premiado aborda a importância de testar aplicações móveis de forma automática.
O teste de aplicações móveis é desafiante porque existem muitos dispositivos diferentes e várias formas de interação com essas aplicações. Por outro lado, as Apps estão cada vez mais presentes no nosso dia a dia e são cada vez mais críticas permitindo, por exemplo, efetuar pagamentos.
O teste manual neste contexto é, na maioria das vezes, inviável e pouco eficáz. Por isso, há a necessidade de criar soluções de teste automático que possam contribuir para melhorar a qualidade das aplicações móveis existentes.
Com o título “Android Testing Crawler”, este artigo apresenta uma ferramenta que explora automaticamente uma qualquer aplicação móvel tentando identificar problemas. Esta ferramenta tenta ultrapassar alguns desafios dos crawlers  existentes e é validada em experiências realizadas com Apps reais disponíveis na Google Play Store.
O trabalho apresentado insere-se numa linha de investigação onde se pretende combinar a exploração automática com o teste dinâmico de aplicações móveis. Esta linha de investigação iniciou num trabalho de doutoramento de que resultou a ferramenta iMPAcT tool. O trabalho agora premiado tem como objetivo melhorar a componente de Crawler da iMPAcT tool.
Estimativas recentes indicam que o número de aplicações móveis disponíveis na Google Play Store é superior a 2,5 milhões e, em 2017, havia aproximadamente 178 mil milhões de downloads de aplicações móveis, o que mostra a importância dos dispositivos móveis no dia a dia da população mundial.

Provas de Doutoramento em Media Digitais: “Political Mobilization in Brazil from 2013 to 2017: a Technopolitical Analysis Using Surveys and Social Network Data Mining”

Requeridas por:
Marcela Canavarro Rodrigues Martins
Data, Hora e Local
Dia 16 de setembro, às 14h00, na Sala de Atos da Faculdade de Engenharia
Presidente do Júri
Doutor Jorge Manuel Pinho de Sousa, Professor Catedrático da FEUP
Doutor Emiliano Treré, Lecturer da School of Journalism, Media and Culture da Cardiff University, Reino Unido;
Doutora Paola Sartoretto, Post-Doctoral Researcher do Department of Romance Studies and Classics do Institute of Latin American Studies da Stockholm University –, Suécia;
Doutor Alípio Mário Guedes Jorge (Orientador), Professor Associado do Departamento de Ciência de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto;
Doutor Paulo Nuno Vicente, Professor Auxiliar do Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Doutor Sérgio Sobral Nunes, Professor Auxiliar do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

Using IEEE Software & System Engineering Standards to Support America’s Army Gaming Development

Lecture DEI Series
Date: July 26th
Time: 17:30
Room: I-105
Speaker: Susan K. “Kathy” Land
Affiliation: Program Manager US Department of Defense
Every organization faces their own unique challenges when developing software, none more so than America’s Army ( Americab s Army (AA) is a computer game produced by the US Army to promote Army recruiting and the seven core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. From 2005 to 2007, Ms. Land was the Production Planner responsible for the successful Americab s Army Special Forces/Overmatch release, which hosted over 8 million registered players world wide for the PC version of the game.
During her talk she will describe some of the classic software engineering challenges and market pressures associated with commercial game production as the AA Project Office moved into the competitive domain of commercial game development and how they were successful with a little help from classic software engineering and IEEE software and system engineering standards.
Short Bio
Ms. Susan K. (Kathy) Land is an acknowledged expert and author in the field of software engineering standardization, software process improvement, and engineering project management. As 2018 Vice President of IEEE Technical Activities, Ms. Land expanded the focus on diversity, entrepreneurship, future directions, young professionals, and standards. Ms. Land demonstrated senior executive leadership experience in a career spanning industry and government systems and software product acquisition and development.
Ms. Land is an IEEE Fellow receiving numerous awards for performance and service, which include the Northrop Grumman/TASC President’s Coin, Huntsville Professional of the Year, Huntsville Association of Technical Societies Moquin Award, IEEE Computer Society (CS) Richard E. Merwin Award and the IEEE Standards Association Standards Medallion. She served as the 2009 president of the IEEE CS, three terms on the IEEE Board of Directors, and two terms as a member of the IEEE-USA Board of Directors. More at

Reinventing computing for a data-driven world

Lecture DEI Series
Date: July 26th
Time: 16:15
Room: I-105
Affiliation: Hewlett Packard Labs
Data explosion is not coming it’s here, and it’s only getting bigger. The next stage of technology will need to accommodate unprecedented amounts of data driven by 100s of billions of devices and sensors that comprise the Internet of Things stretching our technology capabilities to the limit and beyond. At the same time, we’re operating in an increasingly insecure, unmanageable and risky environment from a technology, business and societal perspective. If we don’t find a way to change todays computing architectures, they simply won’t be able to keep up and the we won’t be able to obtain the resources needed to power and sustain them.
In this talk, I will present how Hewlett Packard Labs address these radical changes by innovating technology in the areas of photonics, silicon design, memory driven computing, security, AI, and edge. By working closely from customer requirements and focusing on HPE productization opportunities, we deliver innovation that matters. I will provide specific examples of research projects, such as unconventional architectures, programming, and accelerators, new approaches to security, etc. This way we are able to address the limits imposed by post-Mooreb s Law and the onslaught of generated data.
Short Bio
Dejan is a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA (1998-) leading system software teams over 4 continents and projects with budgets of hundreds US$M. He worked at the OSF Research Institute in Cambridge, MA and at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade, Serbia. Milojicic received his PhD from Kaiserslautern University, Germany; and his MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia. He was a technical director of the Open Cirrus Cloud Computing Testbed, with academic, industrial and government sites in the US, Europe, and Asia. He has published 2 books and 180 papers; he has 37 granted patents. He is an IEEE Fellow (2010) and ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008). Milojicic was on 8 PhD thesis committees and taught Cloud management course at SJSU. As president of the IEEE Computer Society (2014), he started Technology Predictions, the top viewed CS news. As the industry engagement chair, he started IEEE Infrastructure’18 conference”