DEI Talks | Formal Verification of Distributed Systems por Julien Brunel e David Chemouil

Julien Brunel e David Chemouil são investigadores seniores na ONERA, em Toulouse, especializados em formal specification and verification. Juntamente com Nuno Macedo e Alcino Cunha (INESC TEC) conceberam a 6ª versão (até há pouco tempo designada Electrum) da linguagem e ferramenta Alloy (originalmente proposta pelo MIT). Nos últimos anos, Julien Brunel e David Chemouil têm vindo a estudar também a verificação de algoritmos distribuídos.

Segundo os investigadores “a recent highlight is the first mechanical proof of correctness of the distributed maintenance algorithm of the Chord peer-to-peer protocol, as well as formal techniques for the complete, semi-automatic verification of infinite-state systems, such as distributed algorithms”.

Junte-se a nós no dia 8 de Abril, às 14:30, na sala I-105 da FEUP, para a apresentação deste trabalho


The verification of distributed systems is challenging because these systems combine a rich structure, a high number of elements and a non-trivial temporal evolution. A trade-off between automation and completeness of the verification has to be made. In particular, one can use theorem provers, which offer complete confidence but tend to require considerable expertise and effort. Another option is to use model checkers, which offer complete automation, but cannot handle complex data structures and configurations.

In this talk, they will present recent work on verification techniques for distributed systems that are automatic and “as complete as possible”, or complete and “as automatic as possible”. They will illustrate their work with the analysis of Chord, a scalable distributed hash table.

Posted in DEI Talks, Destaque, Notícias.