DEI Talks | “A Geographies of born-digital translation: TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] as a case study” por Anne Karhio

O trabalho da Dr. Anne Karhio aborda temas relacionados com poesia e tecnologia contemporâneas, literatura e cultura irlandesa, e paisagens literárias em vários ambientes de media. Após a sua nomeação como Associate Professor in English na Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences, está atualmente baseada na National University of Ireland, Galway, como Lecturer in Contemporary English Literature na School of English and Creative Arts. É também Associate Professor II in Digital Culture na University of Bergen, Norway, e tem publicado amplamente sobre poesia contemporânea irlandesa, literatura digital, e a estética do espaço e da paisagem.

“A Geographies of born-digital translation: TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] as a case study” será apresentada dia 27 de junho, na I-105, às 15:00.


 This presentation addresses the challenges of linguistic, geographical, and cultural translation through the specific case of J.R. Carpenter’s born-digital work TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] and its translation from English into Finnish. I will consider how the challenges of linguistic translation from a European to a non-European language are further complicated by the requirements of code, as well as the translation of sociocultural context. Through its focus on technology, mobility, and migration, I suggest, Carpenter’s work invites us to consider the entangled connections between infrastructural geographies and the language of communications technology.

Posted in DEI Talks, Eventos, Notícias.