DEI TALKS | “Graph@FIT – activities in research of Image/Video/Graphics at FIT BUT” pelo Prof. Pavel Zemčík

“The talk will introduce the Graph@FIT, the research group of Brno Unviersity of Technology (BUT), Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) active in Image/Video/Graphics research (See also Computer Graphics Research Group – GRAPH ( The talk will include and overview of the research with several examples of research topics and results of the research, such as Road Traffic Video Processing, Hardware Accelerated Imaging Algorithms, and exploitation of Neural Networks.”

Graph@FIT – activities in research of Image/Video/Graphics at FIT BUT” será apresentada dia 27 de maio, às 17:30, na sala I -105, com a moderação do Prof. António Coelho (DEI).

Pavel Zemčík is a Professor at Brno University of Technology (BUT), Faculty of Information Technology (FIT), vice-dean for research, development and foreign affairs. Between 2016 and 2024 he served as a dean of FIT. His interests include image and video processing, computer graphics, embedded systems, acceleration of algorithms in hardware, etc. He is author/co-author of over 100 scientific papers in journals and at conferences.”

Posted in DEI Talks, Destaque, Notícias.