CreativityTalks | “The End of Programming (as we know it)” pela Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes

“This talk is an exploratory tour through this brave new world, and its consequences to our field and to Computer Science (CS) education”, antecipa a oradora de uma apresentação num tópico que, fruto dos avanços da Inteligência Artificial (IA) em “Large Language Models (LLMs)”, mediaticamente expostos pelo ChatGPT, promete revolucionar o desenvolvimento de software.

“The End of Programming (as we know it)” será apresentada pela Prof. Cristina Videira Lopes, com moderação do Prof. João Paulo Fernandes, no dia 23 de março18:00, na sala B035, com transmissão online via Youtube.

Pela oradora:

“For the past 80 years, “programming” meant translating a high-level, semi-formal specification of a desired effect from natural language into computer instructions, using an artificial programming language. Mastering these translations requires domain knowledge of algorithms and data structures, talent, and years of practice. Large Language Models (LLMs) are disrupting the very notion of “programming.” The disruption is profound, and at two levels: (1) LLMs are capable of doing those translations automatically, and (2) many of the desired effects can be obtained without the use of algorithms or data structures. This talk is an exploratory tour through this brave new world, and its consequences to our field and to CS education.”


Cristina (Crista) Lopes is a Professor in the School of Information and Computer Sciences at University of California, Irvine, with research interests in Programming Languages, Software Engineering, and Distributed Virtual Environments. She is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Scientist. She is the recipient of the 2016 Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest for her work in the OpenSimulator virtual world platform. Her book “Exercises in Programming Style” has gained rave reviews, including being chosen as “Notable Book” by the ACM Best of Computing reviews.

Workshop | ” Artificial Flora: Evolving Shapes With Superformula” com Martinus Suijkerbuijk

O workshop terá lugar dia 27 de março, às 14:30, na sala I323.


Pelo formador:

“With the parametric tools in blender –geometry nodes– it is possible to create, with relatively simple node-based algorithms, great procedural pipelines. This functionality can be expanded with the integration of Python within blender, and amplify possibilities of creation and automation.

For this workshop, after some basic introduction of evolutionary algorithms and its application in creative practices, the participants have the opportunity to experiment with a custom designed evolutionary algorithm that can evolve a large variety of shapes. The shapes architecture is based on Johan Gielis’ Superformula. After we established our own dataset of shapes, through evolutionary selection, we’ll proceed with designing our own procedural algorithm to create a collection of artificial flora that the participants can use in their own virtual environments. Keywords: Blender, Evolutionary algorithms, geometry nodes, python, procedural modelling.”

 Martinus Suijkerbuijk is an artist, designer and engineer that currently is working towards completing his artistic research PhD at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norway. His artistic research is focused on the concept of Computational Aesthetics, which he explores through the use of AI empowered Artificial Aesthetic Agents (AAA) in virtual environments. His diverse background has enabled him to present his research and work at cultural institutions such as ZKM and MetaMorf, as well as technology conferences like CHI 2018 and Philips Trend Event.

Para mais informação contactar o Prof. António Coelho (DEI)

DEI Talks | “Computational Inaesthetics: Expanding the Boundaries of Artistic Research and Computational Aesthetics” por Martinus Suijkerbuijk

“Computational Inaesthetics: Expanding the Boundaries of Artistic Research and Computational Aesthetics” será apresentada sexta feira, 24 de março, às 14:30, sala I-105, com a moderação do Prof. António Coelho, docente do DEI.

Pelo autor:

“The increasing use of digital technologies in artistic practice, coupled with the recent emergence of AI, has led to a growing intersection and mutual influence between two related fields: artistic research and computational aesthetics. Artistic research involves using artistic practices to generate new insights and understandings about the world and reflect critically on the process of creating art. In contrast, computational aesthetics involves the theory, practice, and implementation of aesthetics within the domain of computing, and in its most formal version relies on mathematical and computational methods to generate and evaluate art.

However, there has been criticism of computational aesthetics for failing to account for the subjective and non-algorithmic nature of aesthetic experience. Nonetheless, this presentation proposes a practical framework that seeks to resolve this critique by highlighting an expanded view of computational aesthetics, which the presenter terms Computational Inaesthetics.

Through the discussion of basic concepts and principles of artistic research and computational aesthetics, and through the analysis of a selection of artworks by the presenter, the presentation explores the ways in which these fields can inform and enhance each other. Furthermore, the presentation provides an overview of the artistic contents and theoretical underpinnings of the presenter’s artistic research PhD project.

Overall, this presentation showcases the exciting potential of bringing together artistic research and computational aesthetics to expand our understanding of aesthetics, art, creativity, and the role of technology and computation in society.”

Martinus Suijkerbuijk is an artist, designer and engineer that currently is working towards completing his artistic research PhD at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norway. His artistic research is focused on the concept of Computational Aesthetics, which he explores through the use of AI empowered Artificial Aesthetic Agents (AAA) in virtual environments. His diverse background has enabled him to present his research and work at cultural institutions such as ZKM and MetaMorf, as well as technology conferences like CHI 2018 and Philips Trend Event.

Invited Talks | “Driving Simulators for the Study of Road Users’ Behaviour” pelo Prof. Stéphane Espié

“Driving Simulators for the Study of Road Users’ Behaviour” será apresentado terça-feira, 7 de março, às 17:15, na sala B012.

“To be efficient and accepted, road safety counter-measures need to be defined thanks to scientific studies. The question is not only to imagine an optimal solution in the absolute, but to understand the real practices and, based on this knowledge, to design the measures (sensitivity campaigns, changes in Highway Code, changes in initial training curriculum or licence tests, infrastructure (re)design, vehicles homologations, etc.). In our talk we will describe the tools and methods we promote and refined for decades to improve road safety, and their use in research projects. Our approach is systemic and is based on three pillars: instrumentation of vehicles for in-depth naturalistic studies, traffic modelling and simulation using a multi-agents system, and design of driving simulators to study driving behaviors. We will illustrate our approach using research projects we have conducted over these last years.”

Stéphane ESPIÉ is a Research Director at the Gustave Eiffel University. He holds an Accreditation to Direct Research in Computer Science (HdR, Pierre et Marie Curie University, 2004). His main research areas are behavioral traffic simulation (MAS based), and the design of tools to study road user behaviors (driving/riding simulators and instrumented vehicles). He currently conducts his research in SATIE laboratory (Paris Saclay university) where he leads the MOSS (Methods and Tools for Signals and Systems) research group.

CreativityTalks | “The Creativity Diamond Framework” pelo Prof. Peter Childs

Há muitas facetas na criatividade tendo o tema um impacto profundo na sociedade. Foi realizado um estudo substancial e sustentado sobre a criatividade e sabe-se agora muito sobre os fundamentos e como a criatividade pode ser aumentada. Para reunir estes elementos, foi desenvolvido o “Creativity Diamond Framework,” formulado com base em revisões de trabalhos anteriores, bem como na consideração de 20 estudos de doutoramento sobre os temas da criatividade, design, inovação e desenvolvimento de produto. A estrutura pode ser utilizada para estimular e ajudar a selecionar qual a ferramenta ou abordagem a utilizar num ambiente criativo para tarefas inovadoras. Esta apresentação explorará algumas das principais facetas da criatividade e descreverá o “Creativity Diamond Framework” e recursos associados, bem como a execução prática de ideias.

“The Creativity Diamond Framework” será apresentado pelo Prof. Peter Childs, no dia 2 de março, 18:00, online via Youtube.


Peter Childs is the Professorial Lead in Engineering Design and Co-Director of the Energy Futures Lab at Imperial College London. His general interests include creativity, innovation, design, sustainability and robotics. He was the founding Head of School for the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial. Prior roles include director of the Rolls-Royce supported University Technology Centre for Aero-Thermal Systems, director of InQbate and professor at the University of Sussex. He has contributed to over 200 refereed journal and conference papers, and several books. He has been principal or co-investigator on contracts totalling over £100 million. He is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Editor of the Journal of Power and Energy, Professor of Excellence at MD-H, Berlin, Advisor Professor at Guangdong University of Technology, Chairperson at BladeBUG Ltd and Founder Director and Chairperson at QBot Ltd.

ProDEI Symposium coming soon

É já para a semana, 8 de fevereiro, que a B032 recebe o ProDEI Symposium, anteriormente designado por DSIE, encontro anual da comunidade do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informática da FEUP, organizado pelos seus estudantes.

Esta edição demonstrará ao longo do dia o potencial e as oportunidades de um doutoramento como caminho de carreira, através de testemunhos de antigos estudantes do ProDEI com carreiras de sucesso na indústria: João Pedro Dias da BUILT CoLAB, João Reis da e Tiago Boldt da Kevel. Conheceremos as diferentes visões de quem trabalha simultaneamente na indústria e na academia e de como o caminho desafiante de um doutoramento culmina em melhores e mais gratificantes oportunidades.

A meio da manhã as intervenções de Eugénio Oliveira, Professor Emérito do DEI, e de Diana Santos, do gabinete de Inovação da FEUP, darão a conhecer oportunidades de financiamento para quem faz um doutoramento e os detalhes do processo de candidatura, ficando depois disponíveis para o esclarecimento de questões.

Após o almoço, Luís Paulo Reis, Diretor do LIACC, apresentará a palestra “There are more tides than sailors: A reflection on the importance of doing top-quality scientific research!” Esta palestra centrar-se-á nos recentes desenvolvimentos nas áreas de CS, IA, ML, IR e PNL e na importância de desenvolver ciência de excelência e investigação avançada nestas áreas, no contexto de um doutoramento bem sucedido e impactante para se conseguir uma posição de destaque numa empresa tecnológica internacional de topo.

Seguir-se-ão as apresentações dos atuais estudantes do ProDEI que em 10 minutos cada nos darão a conhecer os últimos trabalhos de investigação nas áreas da Inteligência Artificial, Engenharia de Software, Sistemas de Informação, (…) , sendo moderadas pelos Professores Carlos Soares e António Augusto Sousa.

A sessão terminará com um coffee break convívio entre os participantes.

As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser submetidas aqui até dia 7 de fevereiro.

DEI Talks | ”AutoML and Meta-learning for Neural Network Robustness Verification” pelo Prof. Jan N. van Rijn, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science

Jan N. van Rijn holds a tenured position as assistant professor at Leiden University (, where he works in the computer science department (LIACS) and Automated Design of Algorithms cluster (ADA).

His research interests include artificial intelligence, automated machine learning (AutoML) and meta-learning.

He obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2016 at Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden University (the Netherlands).

During his PhD, he developed, an open science platform for machine learning, enabling sharing of machine learning results.

He made several funded research visits to the University of Waikato (New Zealand) and the University of Porto (Portugal).

After obtaining his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Learning lab at the University of Freiburg (Germany), headed by Prof. Dr. Frank Hutter, after which he moved to work as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University in the City of New York (USA). His research aim is to democratize access to machine learning and artificial intelligence across societal institutions, by developing knowledge and tools that support domain experts.

He is one of the authors of the book `Metalearning: Applications to Automated Machine Learning and Data Mining’ (published by Springer).”

AutoML and Meta-learning for Neural Network Robustness Verification” será apresentada dia 25 de janeiro, às 14:45, na sala B006 – a entrada é livre, são todos bem vindos.

Abstract: Artificial intelligence is being increasingly integrated in modern society, with applications ranging from self-driving cars to medicine development. However, artificial intelligence models (in particular neural networks) have been notoriously known for being susceptible for various forms of attacks, including adversarial attacks. In a bid to make these models more trustworthy, the field of neural network robustness verification aims to determine to which degree a given network is susceptible to such an attack. This is a very time consuming task, that can greatly benefit from the various advances that the Automated Machine Learning and meta-learning community have made.

In this talk, it will be explained the basis of automated machine learning and meta-learning, and the speaker will talk about their research on applying this to robustness verification. He will also explain how the community can further engage in this endevour towards trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Talk a Bit de volta para a sua 11ª edição

O Talk a Bit está de volta em formato presencial, dia 28 de janeiro (sábado), no Auditório da FEUP.

A conferência é organizada anualmente pelos estudantes do último ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática e Computação da FEUP, e este ano contabiliza já a sua 11ª edição.

O tema deste ano vai girar à volta dos dados, “Data. How it’s created, how it’s stored, how it’s streamed, how it’s processed”, e contará com uma série de especialistas que trarão muita matéria para ser explorada e discutida.

O programa do evento pretende promover a aprendizagem, a discussão de ideias e a socialização e entre a lista de oradores podemos ver João Silveira, da Microsoft, Sónia Liquito, do Spotify, João Gonçalves e José Costa, da Critical Techworks, João Carvalho da Tandhem Esports, Liliana Ferreira da Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Pedro Dias e Marco Sousa da Zero Zero, Tiago Matos da Jumpseller, (…), que contribuirão com certeza para mais uma edição de sucesso.

Pré evento acontecerá um hackaton, de 24 a 26 de janeiro, com prémios para os vencedores.

Toda a informação e link para a inscrição podem ser vistos aqui.

DEI Talks | “Clustering Healthcare Data” pelo Prof. Pasi Fränti

Pasi Fränti fez o seu Mestrado e Doutoramento na University of Turku, Finlândia, em 1991 e 1994. Desde 2000 é Professor em Ciências da Computação na University of Eastern Finland. Publicou 175 artigos em conferências e 99 em journals. Pasi Fränti é Diretor do grupo de investigação de Machine Learning. Atualmente os seus interesses de investigação incluem clustering algorithms, location-based services, machine learning, web and text mining e optimization of health care services. Orientou 30 estudantes de doutoramento e atualmente está a orientar mais nove.

 “Clustering Healthcare Data” será apresentada no dia 7 de novembro, às 11:00, na sala I125 – a entrada é livre, são todos bem vindos.

Abstract: Clustering can a powerful tool in analyzing healthcare data. We show how clustering based on k-means and its variants can be used to extract new insight from various data with the aim to better optimize the health care system. We first show that simple variants of k-means and random swap algorithms can provide highly accurate clustering results. We demonstrate how k-means can be applied to categorical data, sets, and graphs. We model health care records of individual patients as a set of diagnoses. These can be used to cluster patients, and also create co-occurence graph of diagnoses depending on how often the same pair of diseases are diagnosed in the record of the same patient. Taking into account the order of the diagnoses, we can construct a predictor for the likely forthcoming diseases. We also provide a clustering algorithm to optimize the location of health care systems based on patient locations. As a case study, we consider coronary heart disease patients and analyze in what way the optimization of the locations can affect the expected time to reach the hospital within the given time. All the results can provide additional statistical information to healthcare planners and also medical doctors at the operational level to guide their efforts to provide better healthcare services.

Semana de Informática em destaque [31-2]

A Semana de Informática (SINF), organizada pelo Núcleo de Informática da Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (NIAEFEUP), foi criada com o intuito de permitir aos estudantes, independentemente do curso, desenvolver as suas capacidades nas diversas áreas da Informática, promovendo a sua interação com o mundo empresarial através de eventos sociais.

A edição de 2022 decorre entre os dias 31 de outubro a 2 de novembro com inúmeras atividades, entre palestras e workshops,  que permitirão aos participantes o contacto com diversas tecnologias e conceitos que não intervêm no percurso académico, focando-se portanto nas skills técnicas, assim como um pitch, sessões de entrevistas e visitas a empresas, fomentando o seu contacto com empresas de topo a nível nacional e internacional.

Este ano estarão em destaque os temas da Cibersegurança e Gaming e Interatividade e todas as atividades podem ser vistas no site do evento.