2021 Digital Media Doctoral Symposium – Call for Presentations

The Digital Media Doctoral Symposium (DMDS) is almost here, and we are looking forward to learning about your work!

The Digital Media Doctoral Symposium (DMDS) provides an opportunity for the Digital Media Ph.D. students from the University of Porto and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to present and discuss their ongoing Ph.D. research work (e.g., research goals, preliminary ideas, research plan, initial/intermediate results), with experts in the field and peers. Students will receive feedback on the quality of their presentation and on the proposed research itself.

Below you find the key dates:

  • Extended abstract submission deadline: March 15th, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: March 19th, 2021
  • Symposium: March 26th, 2021

Submissions consist of extended abstracts of 1-page (max. excluding references) and must provide an overview of the student’s ongoing work. Accepted submissions will be presented at the DMDS (10 minutes presentation + 5/10 minutes to comments and questions). Additionally, accepted submissions will be distributed to all participants and members of the panel, to allow them to prepare for a fruitful discussion during the session. 

Please access the Easychair platform for submissions and more detailed information about the structure of the extended abstracts.

Due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19, we realize that there are some precautions that need to be made to maintain the balances of the need for sharing our knowledge along with the protection due to global health concerns. So, the DMDS will be held online (we will provide the link in due time).

We thank you in advance for your submissions!

Posted in Events, News.

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