PDMD Meetup-Porto #14: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

We remind you that PDMD Meetup #14 will take place online, via Zoom , this Friday, May 21st, 2021, at 5 pm.

In this next meetup, we count on your presence to make a quick status report of your work, and this week we will propose a game to do this, so don’t miss it because, without your participation, the game is not possible!  We want you to feel this moment as an escape from routine and a relief from the stress of daily life. Feel free to clarify doubts, ask for opinions, … as in previous sessions. 

Hope to see you all on Friday at 5:00 P.M. at Zoom.

PDMD Meetup-Porto #13: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

We remind you that PDMD Meetup #13 will take place online, via Zoom , this Friday, May 7th, 2021, at 5 pm.

In this next meetup, we count on your presence to make a quick status report of your work, and this week we will propose a game to do this, so don’t miss it because, without your participation, the game is not possible!  We want you to feel this moment as an escape from routine and a relief from the stress of daily life. Feel free to clarify doubts, ask for opinions, … as in previous sessions. 

Hope to see you all on Friday at 5:00 P.M. at Zoom.

PDMD Meetup-Porto #12: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

We remind you that PDMD Meetup #12 will take place online, via Zoom , this Friday, April 23rd, 2021, at 5 pm.

In this next meetup, we count on your presence to make a quick status report of your work, and this week we will propose a game to do this, so don’t miss it because, without your participation, the game is not possible!  We want you to feel this moment as an escape from routine and a relief from the stress of daily life. Feel free to clarify doubts, ask for opinions, … as in previous sessions. 

Hope to see you all on Friday at 5:00 P.M. at Zoom.

PDMD Meetup-Porto #11: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

We remind you that PDMD Meetup #11 will take place online, via Zoom , this Friday, April 9th, 2021, at 5 pm.

We intend to continue sharing the status of our work, promoting the brainstorming that is essential to the development of our PhD. Thus, in this meetup there will be no specific theme or guest. We want you to feel this moment as an escape from routine and a relief from the stress of daily life. Feel free to clarify doubts, ask for opinions, … as in previous sessions. ????

Hope to see you all on Friday at 5:00 P.M. at Zoom.

PDMD Meetup-Porto #10: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

The 10th session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom, on the 19th March (Friday) 2021 at 5 P.M.

There will be no specific theme or guest in this meetup, but we will use it to make a sharing round between everyone present. The idea is that we all briefly share the current status of our Ph.D. work and what we are going to do next. We are sure that it will be an excellent time for sharing and that it can even act as anti-stress and clarify doubts or ask for help/opinion!

Right after this Meetup, we remember a relevant session for everyone that will take place at 6pm. It will be the second session of the cycle “PLAN D: what to do after the PhD?”, With Tiago Gama Rocha, Invited Assistant Professor at FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto) and ISMAI (Instituto Universitário da Maia). This session, “D for Developing Communication Techniques”, will focus on the communication of scientific work, collaborative and interdisciplinary research, the use of creative strategies and digital technologies. What can we do to make others understand and know our work better? More information and link to the session here: https://ilcml.com/sessao-02-com-tiago-gama-rocha/

PDMD Meetup-Porto #9: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

The 9th session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom, on the 5th March (Friday) 2021 at 5:30 P.M.

In this meetup, we will have as special guests members of the Coordinating Team of the Working Group of Young Researchers of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom). It will be a brief presentation (15 min) about the Working Group, as well as the group’s objectives and how to be part of it.

Then we will do the usual sharing round between everyone present. The idea is that we all briefly share the current status of our Ph.D. work and what we are going to do next. We are sure that it will be an excellent time for sharing and that it can even act as anti-stress and clarify doubts or ask for help/opinion!

PDMD Meetup-Porto #8: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

The 8th session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom, on the 19th February (Friday) 2021 at 5:30 P.M.

There will be no specific theme or guest in this meetup, but we will use it to make a sharing round between everyone present. The idea is that we all briefly share the current status of our Ph.D. work and what we are going to do next. We are sure that it will be an excellent time for sharing and that it can even act as anti-stress and clarify doubts or ask for help/opinion!

PDMD Meetup-Porto #6: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

The sixth session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom (https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/89411864685 ), on the 22nd January (Friday) 2021 at 5 P.M.

There will be no specific theme or guest in this meetup, but we will use it to make a sharing round between everyone present. The idea is that we all briefly share the current status of our Ph.D. work and what we are going to do next. We are sure that it will be an excellent time for sharing and that it can even act as anti-stress and clarify doubts or ask for help/opinion!

PDMD Meetup-Porto #5: Let’s demystify the Digital Media Ph.D. Research Proposal

The fifth session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom (https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86121208242), on the 15th January (Friday) 2021 at 5 P.M.

Three DPDM students will share their experience during the stage of making and presenting their Ph.D. Thesis Proposals. Here you’ll have the opportunity to demystify this stage of the Ph.D., by gathering some recommendations and some advice from those who have already completed this step.

As in previous sessions, we encourage you to participate, be active, and feel free to share your own experience or the status of your own work research. Also, if you’re now developing your proposal, do not hesitate to clarify all your doubts!

PDMD Meetup-Porto #4 Follow Up

No passado dia 26 de fevereiro, decorreu mais um Digital Media Meetup, na FEUP. Este evento contou com a presença de um alumni do Programa Doutoral em Media Digitais, Hugo Machado da Silva, que partilhou a sua experiência ao longo do seu percurso no PDMD.

A sua apresentação intitulada “How to do a PhD in hindsight. What I would have done differently knowing what I know now”, teve como objetivo dar a conhecer as falhas cometidas ao longo do seu trajeto, e “propostas de resolução” de acordo com a sua perspetiva atual. Tal como defendido pelo Hugo, nem todos os alunos se debaterão com os mesmos problemas. Contudo, esta partilha levou os participantes a refletir sobre os seus próprios erros, sobre o seu trajeto, e ainda sobre como aperfeiçoá-lo. 

Nesta partilha destacou-se a importância da gestão do tempo e do planeamento. Como pudemos ver na sua apresentação, “If you have five hours to chop down a tree, use the first three to sharpen the axe”. O Hugo defende a ideia – uma vez mais, com base na sua própria experiência – de que 30 minutos diários de trabalho tendem a ser mais produtivos do que 6 ou mais horas concentradas num único dia. Também o equilíbrio entre a vida social e profissional/académica foi um tema abordado, considerado pelo Hugo como fundamental para um percurso saudável.

Esta apresentação ocorreu após um pitch individual de 2 minutos acerca do ponto de situação do trabalho desenvolvido por cada um dos estudantes presentes – um momento de partilha muito importante para obter um feedback imparcial com base em diversas áreas de conhecimento.

O contributo do Hugo deixa o mote para o próximo Meetup, que terá lugar em meados do mês de março (dia a definir). Aproveitamos ainda para reiterar o nosso pedido à iniciativa dos estudantes do PDMD para  serem os organizadores de um futuro Meetup!