Qual é o sentido de jogar e dos jogos quando a catástrofe climática se aproxima? Nesta palestra o orador explorará as interligações entre a cultura que nos conduziu à catástrofe climática e refletirá sobre o futuro destes após o fim de um mundo.
“Games and Play and the End of a World” será apresentada dia 20 de junho, às 10:30, na sala B011, com a moderação do Prof. António Coelho (DEI).
“Miguel Sicart is a Professor at the Center for Digital Play (digitalplay.itu.dk), IT University of Copenhagen. He has been researching games and play since the early 2000s, focusing on the intersection of games, ethics, and play. He is the author of, among others, Play Matters and Playing Software (The MIT Press, 2014, 2023). He is currently working on ridiculous software and the poetics of roguelikes.”