<networking opportunity with former students>
The experience of being part of DEI's ALUMNI network goes far beyond the years spent at the FEUP Campus. To be a former student is to maintain affective relationships that last a lifetime. Former students are proud to belong to the "DEI family" and the department thrills when witnessing their affirmation as leaders in companies and institutions proving to be authentic success cases that carry the DEI-FEUP DNA, through their innovative, entrepreneurial and great human spirit.

The ALUMNI network keeps in touch with DEI and FEUP, reminding that "Relations for Life" are made of close contacts, so, if you are a former student, join the FEUPLink community and feel #Proud2beFEUP
AlumniEI-FEUP seeks since its creation to bring the community closer and to foster the connection between the program and the industry, through different initiatives. These initiatives are great opportunities for cooperation between industry and the university, learning moments for the current students and a beneficial sharing of experiences for all participants.

Commit Porto brings together professionals from various technological areas, with the spirit of sharing knowledge and experience. Throughout one day, there are presentations with guest speakers and debates on technology.

The AlumniEI Meetups are informal meetings between former students of LEIC/MIEIC in order to share experiences and different professional paths. The meetings take place regularly, always at FEUP.

jobIT is a cycle of micro lectures that serves as a showcase of the ICT business panorama. This event is organised in cooperation with current M.EIC students and offers the opportunity of contact with national and international companies.