Multiagent Systems

Disruption Management in Airline Companies Operations

Intelligent Transportation & Smart Mobility

Transportation planning, management and control demand modelling and responsiveness

Intelligent Robotics

Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface

Natural Language Processing

Semantic Text Analysis

PROMESSA— PROject ManagEment intellingent aSSistAnt

Using machine learning & data analytics to help in project portfolio management (project prioritization), project staffing, risk management. Module to integrate with Jira, Project Control, Scraim. Joint project combining Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

BaMOL— Business Application Modeling Language – Low-Code Platform

Develop a low-code, cloud-hosted web platform for modeling and development of management applications that supports and reduces the effort spent in all phases of the cycle (end-to-end), from requirements elicitation to testing, using It will use a business-oriented DSL

Safe Cities — Innovation for Building Urban Safety — Bosch Security Systems, S.A.

Research and develop innovative products, processes and services that contribute to the safety of people and the security of systems and subsystems that interact with them in cities. We are adding liveness to the configuration of critical fire-alarm systems.

iReceptor Plus — Architecture and Tools for the Query of Antibody and T-Cell

Receptor Sequencing Data Repositories Agile development process, architecture, security, privacy preservation, machine-learning.

EPISA — Inferência de Entidades e Propriedades para Arquivos Semânticos

Evolve from an hierarchical data representation model to an approach that explores linked data to improve representation, access and exploration of archival information.
Keywords: archives, knowledge graphs, linked open data, graph databases, search, retrieval
Funding: FCT | Partners: INESC TEC, FEUP, DGLAB, U.Évora

Stop PropagHate — Detect and reduce hate speech in online news media

Use artificial intelligence to help editors and journalists deal with toxic comments in online platforms.
Keywords: journalism, digital media, machine learning, visualization, information extraction
Funding: Google DNI

Algorithmic Science News — Empower journalists in writing science news

Develop tools to help journalists navigate and explore large articles repositories, manage sources, and aid in automatically suggesting texts snippets.
Keywords: journalism, search, natural language generation, machine learning, open science
Funding: Google DNI


Help laypeople conduct online health searches more successfully.
Keywords: health, search, machine learning, natural language processing, readability, information seeking behaviour
Funding: Norte 2020

CompMash — Music Compatibility models for interactive mashup applications

Automatic repurposing of sound datasets for recombination and transformation of musical tracks.
Keywords: graph database representation, automatic music generation, audio compatibility
Funding: FCT | Partners: INESC TEC, U.Coimbra

Cloud-Setup — Audiovisual content processing platform for for cloud ingestion

Advertisement detection for automatic replacement of audiovisual content per broadcasting outlet.
Keywords: content description and retrieval, cloud ingestion
Funding: P2020 | Partners: MOG, INESC TEC

a.bel — Bridging the Gap Between Performers and the Audience Using Networked Smartphones

Interactive audiovisual music experiences for large-scale audience interaction using networked infrastructure and mobile devices.
Keywords: interactive content, large audience participation, networked infrastructure
Partners: INESC TEC

AV 360 – Augmented ambient experiences in interactive 360º videos

This tool allows content producers to create immersive 360º experiences with dynamic annotations, narrative attention focus points, oriented 3D subtitles and interactive spatialized audio, all in a browser-based environment.

PAINTER – Procedurally Assisted INTErchangeable Reality

A framework for the assisted creation and edition of virtual environments to be used collaboratively in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

MASSIVE – Multimodal Acknowledgeable multiSenSorial Immersive Virtual Enviroments

MASSIVE focused on the multidisciplinary study of the relationship between virtual reality technologies and the different dimensions of human performance.

ANTAREX – AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy Efficient eXascale HPC Systems

To reach Exascale computing (10^18 FLOPs), current supercomputers must achieve an energy efficiency “quantum leap” that allows this level of computation to be done at around 20 Megawatts. This will only be possible if we can target all system layers, from the software stack to the cooling system. ANTAREX proposes a holistic approach capable of controlling all the decision layers in order to implement a self-adaptive application optimized for energy efficiency.
Topic: FETHPC-1-2014 – HPC Core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications
Funded: H2020
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PEPCC: Power efficiency and performance for embedded and HPC systems with custom CGRAs

The goal of this project is to devise efficient techniques for dynamically mapping computations extracted from execution behavior to the resources of specialized reconfigurable accelerators. The techniques will identify at runtime the hotspots of program execution. They are then optimized and mapped to CGRAs tailored to the actual set of executing kernels. Whenever one hotspot needs to be executed, the accelerator is transparently invoked. The use of specialized CGRAs reduces resource usage and improves performance. The project will apply these concepts in the ES and HPC domains.
Funded Under: FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia)
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INDTECH4.0 – New Technologies for Smart Manufacturing Systems

Develop tools and technologies in the context of industry 4.0 to address the challenges High Mix / Low Volume manufacturing scenarios.
Keywords: intelligent and collaborative robotics, computer vision, mobile robotics, CPS, IoT, digital twins, optimization
Industrial partners: PSA, Critical Manufacturing, Neadvance, Motofil, Rari, ActiveSpace
Funding: Portugal 2020

PRODUTEC SIF – Solutions for the Industry of the Future

Innovative technologies for new cyber-physical production systems
Keywords: automation and advance robotic systems, cyber-physical production systems, digital twins
Industrial partners: Bresimar, Controlar, Critical Manufacturing, Microprocessador, Motofil, SONAE Center Serviços.
Funding: Portugal 2020

DEZMPP – Digital Manufacturing Platform

Digital platform for manufacturing systems dedicated to the assembly and testing of components
Keywords: digital twins, optimization, predictive and prescriptive models
Industrial partners: Zeugma, Siemens
Funding: Portugal 2020

AquaDig – Digital platform for shellfish inshore maintenance based on IoT

Quality control of toxins and transport conditions of live seafood for human consumption.
Keywords: IoT and edge computing, digital twins, safety and traceability
Funding: Horizon 2020

CONTEXTWA: Middleware and Context Inference Techniques from DataStreams for the Development of ContextAware Services using Mobile Devices

The ubiquity of the mobile communication devices, such as smartphones, allowed the emergence of context aware applications and services, which proactively respond to activities or specific situations of each user. The context information, that is, the specific state in which each user finds himself, allows the communication providers the development, and consequently the offer, of new services of added value to a great range of applications, such as social networks, advertising, navigation or leisure. Of growing importance are services and applications, related to the health sector, that depend on the precise detection of each users physical activity, whether in specific cases or along several days or weeks. Using this information, it is possible to discover and analyze the physical activity patterns and, for example, help individuals to have healthier life styles.
Funding: FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia)
+ info

Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
Department of Informatics Engineering
Edifício I – Sala I012A

Secretariat Opening Hours
10h00 – 12h00 / 14h30 – 16h30

Phone: +351 225 082 134