Huub job vacancies

HUUB is a startup that manages the supply chain of international brands, which has customers in Germany, Iceland and the United Kingdom. We focus on optimizing physical flow from an end-to-end perspective. We operate from the supplier, whether in Portugal, China or Turkey (production centers we work with at the moment), and the customer of the brand, be it a retailer (big like the department stores of the Selfridges chain, for example, or small chains of boutiques) or end customer (we also set up ecommerce operations, whether from a physical or technological point of view). We currently ship orders to more than 50 countries. All the stock of these brands goes through our warehouse here in Porto. In addition to this physical operation component, we also have a technological component. We are currently in a final stage of testing our product, a platform that will allow brands to manage their business also from an end-to-end perspective, integrating the different sales channels, allowing visibility over the entire chain and collaboration between the main entities that enter the business process: brand, HUUB, supplier and customer.

More information on Huub: link.

Some of our current clients: Noe & Zoe,  Iglo + Indi, Marques e Almeida e Filius Feez.

We are currently recruiting in the technology area.

Oportunity requirements

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