DEI Open Day happens on Friday, June 22, from 9:00 a.m. in B002 auditorium.
This day represents an opportunity for the Department to interact with companies and have a networking moment that can be explored by everyone.
- 9:00 | Opening
- 9:10 a.| The EIO in Perspective
- 9:40 a.m. | New R&D Initiatives with Companies
- 10:30 | Coffee-break: “Tour of DEI’s R&D labs”
- 11:30 | Responsibility and Social Action
- 12:00 | ALUMNI DEI: a Strategy for the Future
- 12:30 | Panel: Collaboration Opportunities (Internships, Dissertations, Projects, etc.)
- 1:15 p.| Closure
- 1:30 p.| Convivial Ity Lunch