<keeping you posted on DEI’s latest news and events>
PhD Defense in Informatics Engineering: ”Enhanced multiview experiences through remote content selection and dynamic quality adaptation”
Candidate Tiago André Queiroz Soares da Costa Date, Time and Location: September 16, 14:30, Sala de...
PhD Defense in Digital Media: “Narrative in Interactive Documentary: a Categorisation Framework”
Candidate Ana Sofia Airosa Coelho de Passos Baptista Date, Time and Location July 23, 4:30,...
PhD Defense in Digital Media (PDMD): ”Emotion-driven Physiological Actor Dynamics For Interactive Theatre Sound”
Candidate Luís Alberto Teixeira Aly Date, Time and Location July 22, 14:00, Sala de Atos,...
PhD Defense in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI): ”Time-To-Event Prediction”
Candidate Maria José Gomes Pedroto Date, Time and Location July 22, 10:00, Sala de Atos of...