Lecture DEI Series
Date: July 26th
Time: 16:15
Room: I-105
Affiliation: Hewlett Packard Labs
Data explosion is not coming it’s here, and it’s only getting bigger. The next stage of technology will need to accommodate unprecedented amounts of data driven by 100s of billions of devices and sensors that comprise the Internet of Things stretching our technology capabilities to the limit and beyond. At the same time, we’re operating in an increasingly insecure, unmanageable and risky environment from a technology, business and societal perspective. If we don’t find a way to change todays computing architectures, they simply won’t be able to keep up and the we won’t be able to obtain the resources needed to power and sustain them.
In this talk, I will present how Hewlett Packard Labs address these radical changes by innovating technology in the areas of photonics, silicon design, memory driven computing, security, AI, and edge. By working closely from customer requirements and focusing on HPE productization opportunities, we deliver innovation that matters. I will provide specific examples of research projects, such as unconventional architectures, programming, and accelerators, new approaches to security, etc. This way we are able to address the limits imposed by post-Mooreb s Law and the onslaught of generated data.
Short Bio
Dejan is a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA (1998-) leading system software teams over 4 continents and projects with budgets of hundreds US$M. He worked at the OSF Research Institute in Cambridge, MA and at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade, Serbia. Milojicic received his PhD from Kaiserslautern University, Germany; and his MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia. He was a technical director of the Open Cirrus Cloud Computing Testbed, with academic, industrial and government sites in the US, Europe, and Asia. He has published 2 books and 180 papers; he has 37 granted patents. He is an IEEE Fellow (2010) and ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008). Milojicic was on 8 PhD thesis committees and taught Cloud management course at SJSU. As president of the IEEE Computer Society (2014), he started Technology Predictions, the top viewed CS news. As the industry engagement chair, he started IEEE Infrastructure’18 conference”
Category Archives: Eventos
Dynamic Application Autotuning for Approximate Computing
“Lecture DEI Series
Date: July 15th
Time: 11:00
Room: Auditório B – INESCTEC
Speaker: Cristina Silvano
Affiliation: Dept. of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Several classes of applications can expose at runtime a set of software knobs (including application parameters and code transformations) to trade-off the quality of the results and the throughput. Resource management and application autotuning are key issues for enabling computing systems to adjust their behavior in the face of changing conditions, operating environments, usage contexts and resource availability while meeting energy-efficiency and Quality-of-Service requirements.
This talk will present dynamic autotuning techniques for the multi-objective optimization of applications to tune software knobs in an adaptive scenario to trade-off accuracy versus performance. Machine learning techniques are used to predict the system behavior based on a set of training data. The main challenge is to exploit design-time and run-time concepts to lead to an effective way of “self-aware” computing. The talk also presents the application of dynamic autotuning techniques to energy-efficient HPC systems.
Short Bio
Cristina Silvano is a Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering. In 2017, she has been elevated IEEE Fellow “for contributions to energy-efficient computer architectures”. Her research focuses on computer architectures and Electronic Design Automation, with emphasis on power-aware design of embedded systems, design space exploration of energy-efficient computer architectures and application autotuning for manycore architectures and High-Performance Computing. She was Project Coordinator of three European projects: H2020-FET-HPC ANTAREX-671623 (2015-2018), FP7-2PARMA-248716 (2010-2013) and FP7-MULTICUBE-216693 (2008-2010). She is an active member of the scientific community and she regularly serves in several international program committees. She also organized 15 international conferences/workshops as Program Chair or General Chair. She is Associate Editor of ACM Trans. on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) and IEEE Trans. on Computers. She served as Independent Expert Reviewer for the European Commission and for several science foundations. Her scientific production consists of more than 160 publications.”
Dealing with memory latency in the age of big data
“Lecture DEI Series
Date: June 25th
Time: 14:00
Room: Auditório A – INESCTEC
Speaker: Walid A. Najjar
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of California Riverside
For over two decades the gap between processor and memory speeds has been the most daunting challenge in computer architecture. The advent of big data applications has exacerbated the problem. Traditional multi-core architecture mitigate memory latency through the use of massive cache hierarchies that take up over 80% of the chip area and a proportional percentage of the energy budget. However, big data applications exhibit very poor data locality and cannot benefits from large cache hierarchies. Such applications will be fully impacted by memory latency. Hardware multithreaded architectures have the ability to mask memory latency by context switching between ready threads when a memory access is performed. Classical hardware multithreaded architectures, such as barrel processors (e.g. the UltraSparc and the Cray XMT), must maintain a full state for every thread which requires a lot of resources. FPGAs allow us the opportunity to configure custom or semi-custom processing cores for specific applications.
In this talk I will describe the implementation of data processing applications on the latency masking Filament architecture using semi-custom data paths.
Short Bio
Walid A. Najjar is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California Riverside. His areas of research include computer architectures and compilers for parallel and high-performance computing, embedded systems, FPGA-based code acceleration and reconfigurable computing.
Walid received a B.E. in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Beirut in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1985 and 1988 respectively. From 1989 to 2000 he was on the faculty of the Department of Computer Science at Colorado State University, before that he was with the USC-Information Sciences Institute. He was elected Fellow of the IEEE and the AAAS.”
DEI Open Day 2018
O Dia Aberto do DEI tem lugar na sexta-feira, dia 22 de junho, a partir das 9:00, no auditório B002.
Este dia representa uma oportunidade para o Departamento interagir com as empresas e ter um momento de networking, que possa ser explorado por todos.
· 09:00 | Abertura
· 09:10 | O DEI em Perspectiva
· 09:40 | Novas Iniciativas de I&D c/ Empresas
· 10:30 | Coffee-break: “Passeio pelos laboratórios de I&D do DEI”
· 11:30 | Responsabilidade e Ação Social
· 12:00 | Alumni DEI: uma Estratégia para o Futuro
· 12:30 | Painel: Oportunidades de Colaboração (Estágios, Dissertações, Projetos, etc.)
· 13:15 | Encerramento
· 13:30 | Almoço Convívio
Programa Completo
Provas de Agregação no ramo de conhecimento em Media Digitais: ”The changing panorama of interactive visual storytelling”
Provas de Agregação no ramo de conhecimento em Media Digitais: ”The changing panorama of interactive visual storytelling”
Requeridas por:
Doutora Valentina Nisi
Dia 28 de junho de 2018, às 14h30, na Sala de Atos da FEUP
Apreciação do currículo e do relatório referente ao programa, aos conteúdos e aos métodos do ensino teórico e prático das matérias da unidade curricular de “Narrativas Visuais Interativas”
Dia 29 de junho de 2018, às 14h30, na Sala de Atos da FEUP
Discussão da lição de síntese intitulada “The changing panorama of interactive visual storytelling”
Presidente do Júri:
Doutor António Joaquim Mendes Ferreira, Professor Catedrático da FEUP
Doutor Nuno Manuel Robalo Correia, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Informática da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa;
Doutor António da Nóbrega de Sousa da Câmara, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Doutor Joaquim Jorge, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Informática do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa;
Doutor Adérito Fernandes Marcos, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Aberta;
Doutor Eugénio da Costa Oliveira, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto;
Doutor Artur Pimenta Alves, Professor Catedrático Emérito do Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto;
Doutor João Manuel Paiva Cardoso, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
Apresentação dos Projetos da UC de Desenvolvimento de Jogos de Computador do MIEIC
Hoje à tarde, entre as 14:30 e as 16:30, decorre na sala I -105 a sessão de apresentação dos projetos da UC de Desenvolvimento de Jogos de Computador do MIEIC, que conta também com a participação dos estudantes de Seminários de Design II da Licenciatura de Design de Comunicação da FBAUP e dos estudantes de Design de Som para Media Digitais do Mestrado em Multimédia da UP.
Podem ver alguns dos projetos realizados em anos anteriores em: https://goo.gl/XUaEjL
A apresentação é aberta à comunidade, mas agradecemos o registo no formulário abaixo, por uma questão de gestão de espaço: https://goo.gl/forms/sJ9GcJU9QgwR4N1X2
Workshop Design for Health and Wellness
Dates: 25th – 29th June, 09:30 – 12:30 & 14:30 – 16:30
Design is no longer the result of a flash of inspiration, exceptions notwithstanding. To respond to the real needs of people, the designer combines intuition and technical skill to empathize with users, navigate ambiguity, and make users’ latent needs tangible. To do that, the designer has to consider aspects such as functionality, aesthetics, human factors, world views, social implications, production, sustainability, and product life cycles.
This workshop provides an opportunity to answer this call. We will focus on Health and Wellness because of its deep connection with both the functional and emotional needs of users, but the tools explored should be generally applicable. Through a study of the human-centered process, we will develop methods to realize a week-long design project framed by user needs and their context. This will include an immersive experience of lectures, hands-on workshops, fieldwork and, potentially, field-trips. Although the class projects will focus on design solutions for Health and Wellness, at the end of the workshop participants should be able to apply user research methods, ideation, rapid prototyping, product design methods, interaction design, and storytelling to solve real world design problems.
José Colucci is the Director of Research & Development of the Design Institute for Health (DIH). Before joining the DIH, José was a Sr. Director and Associated Partner at IDEO, where he worked for 16 years, Vice-President of Research & Development of ITI, developer of high-resolution, pen-based computer interfaces in Canada; and prior to that, he was the General Manager of the Medical Engineering Division at FUNBEC – Brazil’s largest manufacturer of medical electronics for cardiology.
José has a BS in mechanical engineering, an MS in Industrial Design and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was a guest lecturer at Harvard, MIT Sloan School of Management, and Olin School of Engineering. Currently he also has a part-time teaching appointment at the University of Texas at Austin.
Tickets: Students: 25€; Academia: 100€; Other professionals: 150€.
More info and registration: https://mil.up.pt/summerinstitute/design-for-health-and-wellness/
Seminário “Humano/Digital” — 15 de Junho
O DEI está a organizar com a Porto Business School, no âmbito da Pós-Graduação em Business Intelligence & Analytics, um seminário com título “Humano/Digital”, que terá lugar na Porto Business School, dia 15 de junho, pelas 16h30.
Nicholas Negroponte escreveu um dia que a relação homem-máquina é um dos temas mais fascinantes da história da Civilização. Vivemos num mundo dual, real-virtual, zero-um, humano-digital. Mas esta dualidade é, ao mesmo tempo, intrigante: estaremos mesmo a deixar progressivamente o mundo real e a integrar um mundo virtual? Ou, pelo contrário, seremos cada vez mais resilientes para não deixarmos de ter os pés na terra?
Para este seminário convidámos três especialistas que nos vão ajudar a refletir sobre o cidadão digital, o consumidor digital e o gestor digital.
16h15 | Receção aos participantes
16h30 | Boas-Vindas
16h45 | “Consumidor/digital” // Diana Almeida, Data-driven Product Manager na Booking.com e alumna PG Business Intelligence & Analytics
17h00 | “Cidadão/digital” // Pedro Magalhães, Research Fellow no ICS-ULisbon, Diretor Científico da Fundação Manuel dos Santos
17h15 | “Gestor/digital” // José Gonçalves, President & Country Managing Director na Accenture Portugal
17h30 | Debate
17h55 | Encerramento
Creative Colab 2018 – “Como criar o Loop infinito da Economia Circular” | 4-6 de junho
O Creative Colab ’18, que decorrerá entre os dias 4 e 6 de junho de 2018, no Pólo de Indústrias Criativas (PINC) da UPTEC, no Porto, é um evento organizado pelos alunos do Programa Doutoral em Media Digitais. A edição deste ano é orientada à discussão da tecnologia e dos media digitais enquanto veículo de sensibilização para a sustentabilidade ambiental e para a economia circular.
Durante o evento acontecerão vários workshops inspirados no tema e em especial, no dia 5 de junho, decorre um seminário em que participarão oradores como Ricardo Ramires (Service Operations Manager na Siemens Healthineers), Pedro Pinto (diretor tecnológico da InnoWave Technologies Group), Luísa Magalhães (diretora executiva da Smart Waste Portugal), entre outros, cujos contributos farão do Creative Colab ‘18 um evento inesquecível!
Segue o link do evento, com toda a informação relevante: https://creativecolab.fe.up.pt. O evento é de participação gratuita mas a inscrição é necessária, pelo que deverão realizar a vossa inscrição através do link https://www.eventbrite.pt/e/registo-creative-colab-2018-re-makers-46219329258.
Call-for-ArgHuments + Workshop ArgHumantation
O Argumentation Hub (ARGH) é um laboratório colaborativo e multidisciplinar criado no âmbito dos Media Innovation Labs (MIL) da Universidade do Porto, tendo como mote agregador a temática da argumentação, tópico de investigação transversal a diversas áreas científicas.
A missão do ARGH é promover investigação multidisciplinar em argumentação. Ao colocá-la em prática, o ARGH pretende conduzir investigação aplicada que permita produzir aplicações interessantes de tecnologias de argumentação, nomeadamente no domínio dos média digitais.
Até dia 30 de abril tem a decorrer uma Call-for-ArgHuments aberta a qualquer pessoa, estudante, docente ou investigador(a), que tenha interesse no tópico e uma ideia ou resultados de investigação sobre Argumentação; os ArgHuments serão apresentados na tarde do dia 3 de maio de 2018, no âmbito do Workshop ArgHumantation — Research and Practice(s) of Argumentation.