Welcome to the Graphics, Interaction and Gaming Group at DEI/FEUP
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Interactive visualizations of automatic debugging reports (presented at SIACG’2011)
Abstract Automated debugging techniques, based on statistical analysis of historical test executions data, have recently received considerable attention due to their diagnostic capabilities. However, current automatic debugging tools suffer from a common shortcoming that may affect their adoption and correct use: the lack of effective visualizations of their output. This paper explores the use […]
Continue readingGameDev Course (MIEIC) preliminary project presentation
The students from the Informatics Masters (MIEIC) have presented their Games' preliminary projects, and created some trailer videos about them. Here's a glimpse of some of them. These game prototypes were developed by the students using XNA Game Studio, and over a period of four weeks (divided by all their other courses). FEUP Hazard António […]
Continue readingInterHACKt I – Explorations on Kinect – Friday, May 20th, 17h-20h
The GIG group organized last friday, May 20th an experimental session of interHACKt, an event meant to be a meeting point for people interested in exploring and experimenting together interesting topics, with a focus on interaction, but not limited to it. Being still at an experimental stage, we only invited a small group of […]
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