
PDMD Meetup-Porto #6: Let’s share our Ph.D. work

The sixth session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom ( ), on the 22nd January (Friday) 2021 at 5 P.M.

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PDMD Meetup-Porto #5: Let’s demystify the Digital Media Ph.D. Research Proposal

The fifth session of the Digital Media meetups at Oporto will be held online, via Zoom , on the 13th January (wednesday) 2021 at 5 P.M. This Digital Media Meetup will be about sharing the experience of making the Digital Media Ph.D. Research Proposal – some recommendations and suggestions based on recent experience of research proposal presentations from PDMD students.

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PDMD Meetup-Porto #4 Follow Up

No passado dia 26 de fevereiro, decorreu mais um Digital Media Meetup, na FEUP. Este evento contou com a presença de um alumni do Programa Doutoral em Media Digitais, Hugo Machado da Silva, que partilhou a sua experiência ao longo do seu percurso no PDMD. A sua apresentação intitulada “How to do a PhD in […]

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PDMD Meetup – Porto #4

The Meetup #4 at Porto will take place on February 27 (Thursday), 17h, @ FEUP - Room I-105. Hugo Machado is the invited speaker.

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