MIEIC students selected on the 1st edition of Gulbenkian New Talents in Artificial Intelligence Scholarship Program

The first edition of the Gulbenkian New Talents in Artificial Intelligence Scholarship Program, which aims to distinguish university students who demonstrate high academic merit and encourage the development of their culture and skills in artificial intelligence, awarded two grants to André Cruz and Xavier Fontes, students of the Integrated Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

The two students, selected through a competition, will receive a ten-month training scholarship and join a training and advanced research program in Artificial Intelligence, supporting their work with renowned researchers in the field. The first workshop of this edition took place on November 17, 2017.

André Cruz’s project “consists of applying information obtained by computational semantics to a Coreference Resolution model, and seeking to improve the state of the art in this area. One purpose, among others, is to introduce the model generated in an argumentation mining framework currently under development at LIACC (ArgMine), and to evaluate the benefits of this addition for the argumentation mining task. ”. Xavier Fontes’ project focuses “on the development of a hybrid forecasting model, capable of using information from the temporal domain and at the same time sporadic stimuli to predict a given variable. This choice of a hybrid model comes from the curiosity to combine two different approaches in order to obtain better results than each of the individual parts. ”.

Regarding the importance of these scholarships, Xavier says that it is an excellent opportunity to develop skills in a field of studies where he has always wanted to work and hopes that it will be the beginning of a path with a positive impact in the field of Artificial Intelligence; André hopes that this program will allow him to focus more on this area, which has many applications, and where there is a strong research component.

Professor Eugénio Oliveira reinforces the honor for the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto to have two of his students among the elected, to whom the Scientific Committee has associated the respective tutors also from FEUP. The students of MIEIC, Xavier Reis Fontes and André Cruz are already being tutored in their work by DEI professors and members of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIACC), Daniel Castro Silva and Henrique Lopes Cardoso, respectively. In addition, the Program will be repeated next year, and expects the good participation of FEUP students to continue, motivated by the scientific area of ​​Artificial Intelligence.

Congratulations to André and Xavier, and best wishes for an excellent job throughout this program.

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