XVI Information Science journeys – Information management: 20 years of formation at the Oporto University

Every year the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree in Information Science come together to carry out an initiative that promotes the dissemination of Information Science in the student community and in the labor market, the Information Science Days.

This year is the XVI edition, with the theme: “Information Management: 20 years of training at the Oporto University”, in the auditorium of the Oporto Engineering Faculty.

Throughout the day we will have the presence of several speakers and the testimony of former students who will help us discuss the theme of this edition.

The XVI Days of Information Science also mark the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Information Management Master’s degree, as well as the tenth anniversary of the Information Science Master’s degree whose genesis is based on the previous one.

To celebrate this milestone we will have the presence of Tom Wilson, Professor Emeritus of Sheffield  University whose work promoted wide advances in Information Management, to carry out the opening keynote of the event


The reception of participants will begin at 8:30 am next to the Engineering Faculty auditorium.

Participation in the Days is free of charge although registration is required.

Book May 14th in your calendar and be present in this edition!


General Contact: jornadas.ci@up.pt

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LinkedIn: https://pt.linkedin.com/in/jornadascienciainformacao

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Posted in Events, News.