Every year the Bachelor and Master degrees in Information Science come together to carry out an initiative that promotes the dissemination of Information Science in the student and business communities, the Information Science Day (Jornadas de Ciência da Informação).
This year the XVI edition is held, with the theme: “Information Management: 20 years of teaching at the University of Porto”, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Throughout the day we will have the presence of several speakers and the testimony of alumni who will help us to discuss the theme of this edition.
The XVI Information Science Conference celebrates the 20 years of the former Master in Information Management, as well as the 10 years of the actual Master in Information Science.
To celebrate this milestone we will have the presence of Tom Wilson, Professor Emeritus of the University of Sheffield whose work has promoted broad advances in Information Management, to hold the opening keynote.
The reception of the participants will begin at 8:30 next to the auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering.
Participation in the Conference is free although registration is required.
Book the day of May 14 in your agenda and mark presence in this edition!
Contact: jornadas.ci@up.pt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jciuporto
LinkedIn: https://pt.linkedin.com/in/jornadascienciainformacao
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JornadasCIup
XVI Information Science Day – Information Management: 20 years of teaching at the University of Porto
Posted in Events.