DEI OPEN DAY | Return in loco on July 12

On July 12th, DEI Open Day 2022 will finally return to in loco format.

This event takes place annually and aims to be a showcase of the teaching and research activity of the Department of Informatics Engineering of FEUP, with the goal of strengthening the collaboration of DEI with companies and its connection to the community.

Exploring this year’s theme, “Undergraduate + Masters to train the computer engineers of the future“, themes such as the role of undergraduate degrees and masters in the comprehensive training of Computer Engineers will be addressed in a joint reflection between teachers and guests from industry.

There will also be an opportunity to learn about ongoing projects in the DEI laboratories and, after lunch, a visit to the stands of these laboratories and the π Projects Fair (projects of final-year students of L.EIC undergraduate course).

+ info: programme

Posted in Events, Highlights, News.