Applications for the Prof. Doutor Raul Vidal/Deloitte Prize are now open

The period for submitting applications for the Prof. Doutor Raul Vidal/Deloitte Prize has been running since July 19th. Students from the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering and the Master in Software Engineering can apply until August 31st for the prize which is now in its third edition.

This award is intended to honour a recent graduate from one of these FEUP courses who has distinguished themselves in curricular activities, for the quality and innovation of the work carried out within the scope of Software Engineering, for their involvement in activities to support other students, namely in activities associated with FEUP’s student groups, and also for their involvement in social and solidarity initiatives.

The award was proposed by Deloitte, with the support of FEUP, through DEI, with the aim of honouring the Professor Emeritus of U.Porto in recognition of all his work at FEUP in the area of Informatics Engineering which has resulted in FEUP’s projection at national and international level and in the high-quality preparation of its students for the labour market, making FEUP unquestionably one of the leading schools with excellent technological teaching.

All the information on the application process and regulation can be found at: Prémio Prof. Doutor Raul Vidal – DEI – Departamento de Engenharia Informática (