Luís Filipe Teixeira awarded FEUP’s Pedagogical Excellence Award

On January 13th, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) celebrated its 188th anniversary with a revamped, more informal event under the motto “Day of Everyone, for Everyone”, with various activities throughout the day.

The celebration of “Dia da FEUP” ended with a gala dinner where, in a solemn moment, Luis Filipe Teixeira, Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI), received the FEUP Pedagogical Excellence Award from the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation, Prof. Fernando Alexandre, the Rector of the University of Porto, Prof. António Sousa Pereira, and the Director of FEUP, Prof. Rui Calçada, in recognition of excellence in teaching/learning activities.

Luis Teixeira reflects on this recognition: ‘In 2010, Professor Raul Vidal presented me with a challenge that, at the time, seemed “impossible”.  Since then, many other challenges have arisen, each with its own particularities and lessons. As teachers, we are often faced with demands that seem out of line with our main mission: to teach. This recognition allows us to believe that the effort and ‘stubbornness’ in keeping this mission alive are worth it. Beyond any formal distinction, I have found recognition in the spontaneous testimony of students who share the (huge) impact we have on their pathways. Today, we are in a time of transition, when the reality of teaching requires us to adjust teaching methods and tools to a necessarily different reality. However, regardless of the direction this reality takes, from my perspective, the pillars must remain the same: communication, empathy and trust. Because, in the end, these are the pillars that allow us to adapt to change, without giving up what really matters: our commitment to the development of our students. Their success is our success, even if it sometimes seems ‘impossible’. May this award be just the first of many more for DEI.’

And this commitment to the students is evident not only in the pedagogical surveys, a valuable tool for carrying out continuous improvement actions in teaching, emphasising the importance of the student’s voice, as in heartfelt testimonies such as this one by Isabel Rio-Torto:

‘I first came across Prof. Luís Teixeira in my first semester as a university student, in theoretical programming classes. In addition to his ability to explain complex things in a simple way (I’ll never forget the mythical lesson on recursion in which the professor took a ball of yarn to explain the concept), his undeniable flair and talent for teaching made his lessons interesting and captivating! I also remember the group of students who, at the end of the lectures, would crowd around the professor to ask any questions they had, and the professor would patiently answer them, always showing enormous empathy and dedication to teaching. We met again in my final year of the integrated master’s programme, when I approached him about the possibility of doing my master’s thesis under his supervision. Since then, Prof. Luís Teixeira has not only been my teacher, but also my master’s and now doctoral supervisor. But above all, Prof. Luís Teixeira has become my mentor. No matter how busy he is, he always has a few minutes to discuss some existential doubt and always has a word of encouragement and motivation. He is always ready to help both students and colleagues, and is tireless in his various roles (teacher, supervisor, DEI member, etc). If I had to describe the professor in one word, I would simply say that Prof. Luís Teixeira is a Professor with a big P.’

The Pedagogical Excellence Award is given annually to a lecturer who has demonstrated excellence over the previous four years in the rankings of pedagogical surveys, in the quality and quantity of pedagogical materials, and in the pedagogical CV, which assesses activities that indicate pedagogical innovation, the promotion of active student learning, and the potential for replication and dissemination.

Luís F. Teixeira holds a Bachelor’s Degree (5 years) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2001), a Master’s Degree in Communication Networks and Services (2004) and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2009) from the University of Porto.

He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), a member of the Executive Committee of DEI, a Senior Researcher at INESC TEC’s Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia and Deputy Director and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master’s Degree in Computer Vision, an international programme offered jointly by the University of Porto, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of Vigo and the University of Corunha. He was previously a researcher at INESC Porto (2001-2008), Visiting Researcher at the University of Victoria (2006), Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer AICOS (2008-2013), and President of APRP – Portuguese Association for Pattern Recognition (2019-2021).

His main research topics are Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Human-centered Computing.

In addition to various subjects in the area of Programming, he has also taught subjects in the areas of Computer Vision and Computational Learning. He has participated in several EU-funded, national and contract projects, including recently the FCT-funded CAGING project as Principal Investigator and the THEIA project with Bosch Car Multimedia as a WP leader. He was part of the Organising Committee of RecPad 2011, IbPRIA 2013, ICIAR 2020, co-Chair of IbPRIA 2022, and several editions of the VISUM Summer School (VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence).

FEUP’s Day 2025

On the 13th of January the Auditorium José Marques dos Santos hosted FEUP’s Day 2025, this year with a new format that included activities open to the entire community and a varied programme throughout the day.

Under the motto “A day by everyone, for everyone“, the event included scientific and social activities that strengthened the unity of the academic community and celebrated the achievements that consolidate the role of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto as a national and international reference.

In the afternoon, the most outstanding members of the community over the past year were honoured, with DEI standing out for the excellence of its teaching and the impact of its teachers, technicians and researchers.

The DEI honourees and award winners:

Teaching Excellence Award 2024

Luís Filipe Pinto de Almeida Teixeira

Pedagogical Recognition Award 2024

Ademar Manuel Teixeira de Aguiar

Alexandra Sofia Ferreira Mendes

Ana Cristina Ramada Paiva

André Monteiro de Oliveira Restivo

António Fernando Vasconcelos Cunha Castro Coelho

Bruno Miguel Carvalhido Lima

Filipa Marília Monteiro Ramos

Filipe Alexandre Pais de Figueiredo Correia

Gonçalo da Mota Laranjeira Torres Leão

João António Correia Lopes

João Carlos Viegas Martins Bispo

João Pedro Matos Teixeira Dias

Luís Filipe Pinto de Almeida Teixeira

Nuno Filipe Gomes Cardoso

Nuno Honório Rodrigues Flores

Rui Pedro Amaral Rodrigues

Sara Filipa Couto Fernandes

Teresa Carla de Canha e Matos

Tiago Boldt Pereira de Sousa

Mentions of Excellent Performance 

Catarina da Silva Teixeira e Castro

Retired Professors 

Maria Cristina de Carvalho Alves Ribeiro

Honouring 25 Years at the Service of FEUP 

João Pedro Carvalho Leal Mendes Moreira

Jorge Manuel Gomes Barbosa

DEI Talks | “Towards Industry and Operator 5.0: Challenges and Opportunities“ by Dr. Rodolfo Haber (CSIC/UPM)

The talk “Towards Industry and Operator 5.0: Challenges and Opportunities“ will be presented January 24th, at 15:00, room B011, moderated by Gil Gonçalves (DEI).


“Built on the pillars of human-centricity and resilience, Industry 5.0 is focused on fostering the industry towards a new paradigm that not only remains within economic boundaries but also actively contributes to well-being and sustainability. The adoption of Industry 5.0 principles is just at the beginning phase in Europe, where the paradigm is transitioning from awareness and methods development to implementation including the Operator 5.0. In this conference, the industrial human needs, human factors and potential future applications are analysed, exploring the links with cyber-physical human systems and enabling technologies. The initiative of Community of Practice of Industry 5.0 (CoP Industry 5.0, European Commission) is also presented. Transitioning from Operator 4.0 to Operator 5.0 involves advancing beyond the integration of digital technologies into fostering a more human-centric, intelligent, and resilient workforce in smart manufacturing environments. Key related issues with Operator 5.0 will be also discussed.”

About the Speaker:

Rodolfo Haber received the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 1999. Researcher of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) since 2006. From 2020-24, he has been Director of the Center for Automation and Robotics of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). He has authored 3 books, 14 patents, 1 trade secret, 21 book chapters, and dozen of articles in indexed journals and conference papers (h-index:42). He has been co-founder of the starts-up Kinequo S.L. (2015), Xymbot Digital Solutions S.L. (2020) and Invofox SL (2022). Since 2002, he has belonged to the IFAC’s TC3.1/5.1 Computers for Control/Manufacturing Plant Control of IFAC, ASME TC Model Identification and Intelligent Systems and IEEE IES TC on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. He is member of the Editorial Board of several journals, editing nowadays a Collection Topic “Smart manufacturing systems and industry 4.0

Technologies” (Scientific Reports, Nature Portfolio). He represents CSIC in “Data, AI and Robotics (DAIRO)” EU Association and he is member of Industry 5.0 Community of Practice Initiative (European Commission). His main research activities are focused on cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Everything, intelligent systems, modelling, control and supervisory systems, artificial cognitive systems and Industry 5.0.




Nuno Costa honoured with the IEEE Portugal Outstanding MSc Thesis Award 2024

On November 15, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Beira Interior hosted the IEEE Engineering Day, an annual event organised by the Portuguese Section of the IEEE, which celebrates the achievements of engineering in Portugal. This year the focus under the theme “Shaping the Next Generation of Data Centers and Connectivity” brought to Covilhã a reflection on the vital role of engineering in defining the future of digital infrastructures and connectivity.

The event ended with the long-awaited announcement of the winners of the IEEE Portugal MSc Outstanding Awards, a prize that aims to recognise the most innovative and original master’s theses, which explore topics within the technical and scientific areas represented by IEEE, and which is now on its fifth edition.

Nuno Costa, a recent graduate of the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC), was one of the winners of the award for his thesis entitled “Leveraging Physics-Informed Neural Architectures as Surrogate Models for Space Weather Forecasting”, which proposes models that represent a significant advance for real-time operational space weather forecasting, providing faster and more reliable forecasts, essential for mitigating the impact of space weather on modern technology.

In the realm of space weather forecasting, accurate modeling of solar wind profiles is crucial due to their significant influence on Earth’s magnetosphere and, consequently, on satellite operations, astronaut safety, and communication systems. This thesis addresses the limitations of current magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation tools, which, while effective, face challenges in computational efficiency and predictive accuracy. To overcome these limitations, this research explores the use of advanced machine learning techniques, specifically Physics-Informed Neural Architectures such as Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PiNNs) and Physics-Informed Neural Operators (PiNOs), for creating surrogate models that balance computational speed and physical accuracy.

This research project, which received a 20/20 classification, was supervised by Professor André Restivo (DEI) and co-supervised by doctoral student Filipa Barros (FCUP), about whom he says: “I’m very grateful to them for supporting me throughout this journey, we have demonstrated the prowess of this approach, with our substitute models already being used in operational environments!”.

Nuno was also awarded the Vestas Award 2024, presented at the New Masters Celebration on November 23.

Vestas Award 2024 goes to Nuno Costa

On November 23rd, as part of the New Masters 2024 Celebration, Nuno Ricardo Teixeira da Costa, a recent graduate of the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC), took the stage to receive the *Vestas Award, a cash prize of 2,500 euros, which rewards the best dissertations according to criteria of innovation, applicability and positive cost-benefit ratio for Vestas, a world leader in the renewable energy sector for sustainable energy solutions.

Nuno developed the thesis entitled “Leveraging Physics-Informed Neural Architectures as Surrogate Models for Space Weather Forecasting”, which addresses the limitations of current magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation tools, which, while effective, face challenges in computational efficiency and predictive accuracy. To overcome these limitations, this research explores the use of advanced machine learning techniques, specifically Physics-Informed Neural Architectures such as Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PiNNs) and Physics-Informed Neural Operators (PiNOs), for creating surrogate models of the most advanced and expensive wind simulators, that balance computational speed and physical accuracy.

This research, which received a grade of 20/20, was supervised by Professor André Restivo (DEI) and co-supervised by the doctoral student Filipa Barros (FCUP), about whom he says: “I’m very grateful to them for supporting me throughout this journey; we’ve demonstrated the power of this approach, with our surrogate models already being used in operational environments!

Nuno ends his academic career at FEUP as he began it, with distinction, when at the end of his first year he was awarded the “Incentive Prize of the University of Porto”, given to students who finish their first year with the best marks.

But his career wasn’t all about studying. Nuno was an active member of the NIAEFEUP and JuniFEUP student groups, where he had the opportunity to develop extra-curricular activities that contributed to his development, and was a monitor in four curricular units over two years.

*The prize is awarded annually to a graduate of FEUP’s Masters in Electrical and Computing Engineering (M.EEC), Masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC) and Masters in Mechanical Engineering (M.EM), whose final course average and Master’s thesis classification are not lower than 16 and 18 points respectively for the M.EEC and M.EIC, and 15 and 18 points for the M.EM. + info

3rd edition of the Prof. Dr Raul Vidal/Deloitte Prize awarded to Gonçalo Pascoal

As part of the New Masters 2024 Celebration, which took place November 23rd at the José Marques dos Santos Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), the Prof. Doutor Raul Vidal/Deloitte Prize was awarded for the third time.

The jury awarded the prize to Gonçalo José Cerqueira Pascoal, a recent graduate of the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering, who received a cash prize of 3 000 euros.

Gonçalo developed a Master’s thesis that proposes an innovative method, based on deep reinforcement learning, to compose quantum algorithms more efficiently for specific architectures, helping to mitigate the detrimental effects of noise on the reliability of the computations performed. “Noise-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Qubit Routing”, supervised by Professors João Paulo Fernandes and Rui Maranhão, was considered highly innovative, with an academic contribution and practical interest, leading to a subsequent scientific article.

During his four years at FEUP, he was a member of the Associação Tuna de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (TEUP), an academic group with over 35 years of history that aims to facilitate the integration of students into the university, preserve student traditions and promote the love for music. During this time, he has actively participated in the organisation of various events of a charitable and cultural nature.

On the day of the award ceremony, Gonçalo on this recognition: “(…) after completing my academic career at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, today I had the honour of being present at the New Masters 2024 Celebration and being honoured with the Prof. Dr. Raul Vidal Award, created by Deloitte. I would like to thank Prof Dr Raul Moreira Vidal, Deloitte, the members of the jury and all the teachers and colleagues who marked my time at FEUP. In future activities, I will strive to continue to apply the same level of dedication, perseverance and rigor that this award seeks to recognise’.

*This award is intended to recognise each year a recent graduate from one of the following FEUP courses, Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC) and Master in Software Engineering (MESW), who has excelled in curricular activities, for the quality and innovation of the work carried out in the field of Software Engineering, and for student support and social and solidarity activities.

Gonçalo Leão with the best pitch at Company’s Day

On November 8th, the José Marques dos Santos Auditorium hosted Company’s Day, an event that takes place annually as part of the FEUP Prime programme, of which Águas do Douro e Paiva (AdDP) is a partner since December 2020, and which aims to bring together the dynamics of business, science and academia, among others, in order to value the talent and knowledge produced.

Immediately after the panel “The Intelligent Future” with speeches by Liliana Ferreira (DEI/Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS) and Luis Paulo Reis (DEI/LIACC), the latter presented the “Pitch Challenge“, a challenge in which four PhD students took the stage and described their research work.

Gonçalo Leão, a PhD student of the Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering, won the challenge with ‘Robotic Bin Picking of Flexible Entangled Tubes‘, a work that is part of a line of research on the robotic manipulation of flexible objects that tend to become entangled. The specific aim of this project is to teach a robotic arm equipped with a 3D vision sensor to remove an object from a disorderly pile of entangled hooks, tubes or cables, so that no more objects are attached to it (a problem known in the industry as ‘bin picking’). To do this, Gonçalo is investigating how we can use supervised learning and reinforcement learning to determine which object the robot should grab, which part of the object to grab, and what movement the arm should make after the grab (for example, to rotate the arm so that an over-grabbed object falls back into the container).

Commenting on the award, which was presented by the Vice President of AdDP, Gonçalo says that the recognition is very important to him because “it represents the valorisation of work that has been time-consuming and very demanding”. The award shows that there is a demand in society and industry for this type of robotic solutions, which are useful in various production systems, such as the manufacture and installation of cables and wires in vehicles and household appliances, and also in recycling systems, where his work can serve as the basis for a selective waste collection system. The winner is grateful for all the support from his supervising team, composed by Professors Armando Sousa, Germano Veiga and Bruno Siciliano, and also from CRIIS, the INESC-TEC centre where he carries out his research, which has provided him with all the resources and support he needs to carry out his work.

Cátia Teixeira shines at the Responsible AI Forum

The Center for Responsible AI, led by Unbabel, held the Center for Responsible AI Forum ’24 on November 19 at the iconic Casa da Música in Porto. For the first time, the forum brought together AI startups, research centers, and industry leaders to showcase six innovative AI products and discuss the societal impact of artificial intelligence.

The event also saw the announcement of the winners of the first edition of the SPARK Awards, which recognise the best research in Responsible AI by Masters and PhD students. Among the highlights was Cátia Teixeira, the runner-up out of 16 entries with her presentation “Hubris Benchmarking with AmbiGANs”, developed as part of her Master’s thesis in Data Science and Engineering (MECD), in collaboration with Inês Gomes (student of the Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI)) and Jan van Rijn (Professor at Leiden University).

One of the major limitations of R&D in ML/AI is proper evaluation of models and algorithms. These models are taking an increasingly important role in our society and economy but evaluation still focuses on predictive accuracy, which is well-known to be insufficient. Cátia proposed AmbiGANs, a methodology that generates datasets of ambiguous instances to estimate whether predictive models are overconfident.

The forum also featured presentations by other students from the Department of Informatics Engineering, who explored new methodologies to improve the evaluation of models and algorithms:

Ricardo Inácio (Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (M.EIC), in progress) with Meta-learning and Data Augmentation for Stress Testing Forecasting Models, presented at Discovery Science;

Inês Gomes (ProDEI student, in progress) with Finding Patterns in Ambiguity: Interpretable Stress Testing in the Decision Boundary, presented at a CVPR workshop;

Luís Roque (ProDEI student, in progress) with RHiOTS: A Framework for Evaluating Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting Algorithms, presented at KDD.

The forum featured keynote speeches from notable figures such as Virginia Dignum (UN AI Advisory Body), Pedro Bizarro (Feedzai), Francisco Pereira (National Institute of Mental Health, USA), André Martins (Unbabel), and Pedro Saleiro (Opnova).

With panels like “AI Regulation – Time to (AI) Act,” the event emphasized the need for ethical and responsible AI usage, ensuring technological advances align with positive societal impact.

DEI Talks | “Key Challenges in Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience” by José Alegria

The talk “Key Challenges in Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience” will be presented November 27th, at 14:00, room B021, moderated by Prof. António Pimenta Monteiro (DEI).


 Cybersecurity and cyber resilience must be viewed holistically under an active doctrine covering five dimensions: A) Governance, B) Prevention, C) Protection, D) Early Detection and Fast Counterresponse, and, finally, F) Quick Recovery. Prevention and Protection are designed as “inhibitor” dimensions to minimize the probability of a cyber-attack materializing and succeeding.

In this talk, we will discuss this active cyber governance doctrine and identify key, challenging, new research areas.

 About the Speaker:

 José Alegria (PhD) RedShift Board Advisor and CIIWA Ambassador and Strategy Advisor. Both focused on cybersecurity.

Former Chief Security Officer and CISO at Altice Portugal. Former Worldwide Coordinator of the CyberWatch Program at the Altice Group. Former Member of European Cybercrime Center (EC3) Advisory Group on Communication Providers at EUROPOL.

Previously, CTO at ONI Telecom, CEO of BanifServ, General Manager of IT Services at Banking Groups BBI/BFE and BFB/BPI, member of the Executive Board at IBM Portugal, and head of Data General’s European EuroACE competence center.

Senior Lecturer at New University of Lisbon, Computer Science Department. Fulbright-Hays and Gulbenkian Scholar at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.

Over 25 years of experience in applying advanced software technology to cybersecurity (complex event processing, event correlation, new languages, multi-paradigm frameworks, actor systems, data science, and machine learning applied to cybersecurity).

Co-advised over 66 MSc Thesis in Cybersecurity-related fields.”

DEI Talks | “Evaluating Diversification in Group Recommendation of Points of Interest” by Prof. Frederico Durão

The talk “Evaluating Diversification in Group Recommendation of Points of Interest” will be presented November 21st, at 15:00, room I-105, moderated by Prof. Rosaldo Rossetti (DEI).


With the massive availability and use of the Internet, the search for Points of Interest (POI) is becoming an arduous task. POI Recommendation Systems have, therefore, emerged to help users search for and discover relevant POIs based on their preferences and behaviors. These systems combine different information sources and present numerous research challenges and questions. POI recommender systems traditionally focused on providing recommendations to individual users based on their preferences and behaviors. However, there is an increasing need to recommend POIs to groups of users rather than just individuals. People often visit POIs together in groups rather than alone. Thus, some studies indicate that the further users travel, the less relevant the POIs are to them. In addition, the recommendations belong to the same category, without diversity. This work proposes a POI Recommendation System for a group using a diversity algorithm based on members’ preferences and their locations. The evaluation of the proposal involved both online and offline experiments. Accuracy metrics were used in the evaluation, and it was observed that the level at which the results were analyzed was relevant. For the top 3, recommendations without diversity performed better, but diversification positively impacted the results at the top 5 and 10 levels.

 About the Speaker:

Frederico Araújo Durão is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computing of the Federal University of Bahia. Frederico Durão did his post-doctoral research at Insight Centre for Data Analysis, University College Cork, Ireland in 2016/2017. In 2012, he obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. Frederico Durão has reviewed and published several articles in conferences and journals relevant to the areas of Information Systems, Recommender Systems, and Semantic Web. Currently is a senior researcher and the project leader of the RecSys Research Group in Brazil.