The students group of Computer Graphics (NeCG), together with the GIG group, is organizing an afternoon of invited talks at FEUP under the title "Graphics, Interaction and Gaming – 2011", on February, 23rd, wednesday.
Here is the preliminary schedule:
14:30h – Opening Session
14:45h – ADC: animar, desanimar, continuar – Victor Martins (Pixelnerve)
15:30h – Depois do Multitouch – Miguel Fonseca (EDIGMA/DISPLAX)
16:15h – O desenvolvimento de videojogos em Portugal – Verónica Orvalho (FCUP/IT/SPCV)
17:00h – Closing Session
The entrance is free, but requires pre-registration here.
More info can be found at the NeCG site.
This event has the support of the Department of Informatics Engineering at FEUP.