Multi-touch Workshop @ FEUP by Tiago Serra – Saturday, March 19th


Multitouch has been growing as an important technology to support Natural User Interfaces (NUI), and it is an area of major interest for the GIG group.

As such, we are promoting a one-day workshop, conducted by Tiago Serra (SenseBloom), for those that are curious and enthusiastic about this subject and related techniques and development platforms.


The workshop will be divided in two parts, one hardware-oriented and another software-oriented:

  • In the hardware session, the main techniques for enabling multitouch on a surface such as a table, a wall or a "poor-man's multitouch pad" will be presented, with some hands-on experiments.
  • In the software session, commonly-used supporting frameworks and protocols such as CCV and TUIO/OSC will be overviewed, as well as some application development frameworks that support those protocols and enable the creation of multitouch applications.

The number of seats is limited, and precedence will be given to FEUP's elements (students, teachers, researchers) over other participants.

Date and Location

Suggested material

If you have a laptop and a webcam, bring them with you, so that you can configure and experiment with your own material and take a running prototype home after the workshop.




  • Pre-registration should be performed here until Monday, March 14th, at 17:00.
  • Vacancy confirmation will be sent by us until Tuesday, March 15th, at 13h. DO NOT PAY BEFORE RECEIVING CONFIRMATION.
  • Registration should be paid in full (see fees below) until Wednesday, March 16th, at 13:00 by bank transfer, with the description "Multitouch Workshop @ FEUP registration", to the following bank account number (NIB): 0035 0839 00001400930 80
  • A digital copy of the transfer receipt should be sent to us.


  • FEUP's Students: 10 Euro
  • Other students: 15 Euro
  • Other participants: 25 Euro


  • rui.rodrigues _at_ fe . up . pt
  • gig _at_ fe . up . pt




Photos of the event

Photos of the event are available here.

Workshop Materials

Presentation: Multitouch.pdf

Videos: ,

Feedback form

If you attended the event, please give us your feedback.

NeCG/GIG invited talks at FEUP


The students group of Computer Graphics (NeCG), together with the GIG group, is organizing an afternoon of invited talks at FEUP under the title "Graphics, Interaction and Gaming – 2011", on February, 23rd, wednesday.

Here is the preliminary schedule:

14:30h – Opening Session
14:45h – ADC: animar, desanimar, continuar – Victor Martins (Pixelnerve)
15:30h – Depois do Multitouch – Miguel Fonseca (EDIGMA/DISPLAX)
16:15h – O desenvolvimento de videojogos em Portugal – Verónica Orvalho (FCUP/IT/SPCV)
17:00h – Closing Session

The entrance is free, but requires pre-registration here.

More info can be found at the NeCG site.

This event has the support of the Department of Informatics Engineering at FEUP.

SLACTIONS 2010 – Research conference in the Second Life world – 18/19 November 2010

A SLACTIONS 2010 é uma conferência internacional que versa todas as áreas de investigação relacionadas com os mundos virtuais. Como particularidade, esta conferência realiza-se no Second Life®, e em paralelo com vários pólos locais à volta do nosso planeta. Este ano, um dos pólos locais é o Porto, mais propriamente as instalações da FEUP. 

A organização central é da Manchester Business School, da Universidade de Manchester, que irá ceder a sua ilha no Second Life® para a realizaçãodeste evento. A organização do pólo do Porto está a cargo da Universidade do Porto. 

Veja aqui mais informações. 

Arduino Introductory Workshop @ FEUP, May 15/22, 2010


This workshop was held in May 2010 as a joint organization with ( ) .
Main details are provided below. For full details please check:

Arduino is a low-cost, open-source microcontroller often used in digital art for the creation of interactive objects, art installations, small robots and other applications. Initially designed to be used by artists and designers, its use was quickly spread to the creation of interactive objects and environments.

This workshop introduces the participant to the basic usage of Arduino. The goal is to get acquainted with the development and programming tools, as well as some basic notions of electronics and the creation of small concept prototypes. See below for a more detailed outline of the workshop's contents.


Speaker: Filipe Valpereiro,

Organization: Rui Rodrigues <>, Carlos Oliveira</>


– Day 1: Saturday, May 15th, 2010 – 10h-13h, 14h-18h

– Day 2: Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 – 10h-13h, 14h-18h

Microsoft Imagine Day @ FEUP – 12 de Outubro de 2010, 14:30


A Microsoft irá realizar conjuntamente com o DEI, na FEUP, na tarde do próximo dia 12 de Outubro, terça-feira (sala a confirmar), o evento "Imagine Day @ FEUP" ( ) onde apresentará:
– A próxima edição da Imagine Cup – , com possibilidade de inscrição pelos alunos durante o evento
– O controlador Kinect (aka Project Natal) para as consolas XBox 360, antes do seu lançamento para as lojas em Novembro (com possibilidade de experimentação pelos presentes) –
– Uma palestra com o orador convidado Shahram Izadi, da Microsoft Research (envolvido no desenvolvimento do Microsoft Surface), versando o tema "Novel Interactive Devices at Microsoft" –
– Demonstrações sobre o desenvolvimento em XNA para Windows Mobile 7
O evento é de entrada livre, mas com lotação limitada, pelo que requer inscrição prévia por e-mail para, até segunda feira, dia 11, às 13h.
Mais informações e links em:

GIG’s Site first steps

The site is giving its first steps. Most of the areas have been created, and the infrastructure is ready for batch uploading some of the more relevant types of information.

We will continue to post as we evolve, until we reach publishing state 😉