The students from the Informatics Masters (MIEIC) have presented their Games' preliminary projects, and created some trailer videos about them. Here's a glimpse of some of them. This year we asked for variations of Manic Miner and Asteroids game, and had the collaboration from Pedro Cardoso, from FBAUP for ideas and design. These game prototypes were developed by the students using Unity, XNA Game Studio or Torwue2D engine, and over a period of four weeks (divided by all their other courses).
Team 1 – Manic Ladiv
Team 2 – Asteroids Third Person
Team 3 – Rulio Miner
Team 4 – I can't believe it's not Asteroids
Team 5 – FEUP Manic Miner
Team 6 – Save FEUP
Team 7 – Submerse FEUP
Team 8 – FEUProides
Team 9 – Manic FEUP