50 years of democracy: thinking the future!

What do we want the next 50 years of democracy to be like? What are the new challenges in a changing Europe? Will it be a different democracy from the one we have today?

These were some of the questions that journalist Eduarda Maio raised for discussion on “Consulta Pública”, Antena 1 programme, in its 15th episode on 2024, recorded on 24 April.

Henrique Lopes Cardoso, a lecturer at DEI and member of LIACC, was on the panel with Catarina Neves (Nova School of Business and Economics), José Neves (NOVA FCSH), Paulo Machado (Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna) and João Cerejeira (School of Economics and Management, Universidade do Minho), and looked at the role of new technologies in general, and Artificial Intelligence in particular, as an enabler of democracy, leaving a positive message about the wealth of relevant applications in today’s society, although did point out that there are real concerns about the manipulation of technology and disinformation, something that in his opinion should be fighted with a growing commitment to digital literacy in all generations.

For 1h43m the five guests “thought the future of democracy”, exchanging opinions and arguments and bringing different opinions and perspectives on the subject to the discussion.

The episode can be listened in full here.

Posted in Highlights, News.