GIG and NeCG demos at BEST Days on Technology 2011

The GIG group organized with NeCG and some students some demos to be present at the BEST Days on Technology 2011 fair at FEUP, held between the 11th and 13th of April.

The demos presented were prepared by a group of MIEIC students, and were based on a series of easily available tools, that can serve as the building blocks for new ways of interacting with computers, be it for work, profit or fun.

These included the display of some multitouch demos based on PyMT and MaxMSP, as well as the possibility to play games developed at the GameDev courses of DEI using a Microsoft Kinect controller, using the available PrimeSense's OpenNI drivers and FAAST as the basis for acessing Kinect data.

Below is the list of those that we wish to thank for their help and support, and some pictures of the event (more can be found at BEST DoT's facebook).



– Rui Campos
– Rui Teixeira
– Paulo Sousa
– Luis Cruz
– João Prudêncio
– Pedro Machado
– Valter Pinho
– João Marques
– José Pedro Cardoso
– Fernando Moreira



– Prof. Luís Paulo Reis, DEI/FEUP
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