DEI Talks | “Tools and methods for the understanding of road users behaviours” by Prof. Stéphane Espié and “Driving-Pattern Identification and Event Detection Based on an Unsupervised Learning Framework: Case of a Motorcycle-Riding Simulator” by Prof. Abderrahmane Boubezoul

Within the framework of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH), we are glad to host the visit of Stéphane Espié and Abderrahmane Boubezoul, visiting DEI during this week (17-21).

Our guests will deliver two seminars on Friday, October 21, at 9:00, in Room B 009. You are all invited!

 “Tools and methods for the understanding of road users behaviours”

By the Author:

“To be efficient and accepted, road safety counter-measures need to be defined thanks to scientific studies. The question is not only to imagine an optimal solution in the absolute, but to understand the real practices and, based on this knowledge, to design the measures (sensitivity campaigns, changes in Highway Code, changes in initial training curriculum or licence tests, infrastructure (re)design, vehicles homologations, etc.).

In our talk we will describe the tools and methods we promote and refined for decades to improve road safety, and their use in research projects. Our approach is systemic and is based on three pillars: instrumentation of vehicles for in-depth naturalistic studies, traffic modelling and simulation using a multi-agents system, and design of driving simulators to study driving behaviours. We will illustrate our approach using research projects we have conducted over these last years.

Stéphane ESPIÉ is a research director at the Gustave Eiffel University. He holds an Accreditation to Direct Research in Computer Science (HdR, Pierre et Marie Curie University, 2004). His main research areas are behavioural traffic simulation (MAS based), and the design of tools to study road user behaviours (driving/riding simulators and instrumented vehicles). He currently conducts his research in SATIE laboratory (Paris Saclay university) where he leads the MOSS (Methods and Tools for Signals and Systems) research group.

“Driving-Pattern Identification and Event Detection Based on an Un-supervised Learning Framework: Case of a Motorcycle-Riding Simulator”

By the Author:

“Analysis of human driving behavior aims to inspect drivers’ behavior in the real-world and in a virtual environment. The study of driving behaviors can be conducted in naturalistic situations or controlled experiments. Analyzing driving behaviors based on the data collected in naturalistic driving experiments or controlled experiments in the real-world or in a virtual environment is beneficial to fill in many of the knowledge gaps about driving behaviors and risk factors. I will present a multi-step framework for analyzing driving behavior on macroscopic and microscopic scales. The core step of this framework is based on unsupervised machine learning algorithms applied to driving-pattern identification and the detection of critical driving events using anomaly-detection algorithms. The detected events are interpreted and described by computing their feature importance using graphs centrality measures. This provides new insight into driving behavior by identifying the motives behind the driver’s actions.

Abderrahmane Boubezoul received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Mathematics from University Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille III), France in 2008 and his Master’s degree in Virtual Reality and Complex Systems from Evry Val d’Essone University, France. Since 2008, he is a researcher at Gustave Eiffel University. His current work is about statistical signal processing and machine learning applied to road transport systems. He currently conducts his research in SATIE laboratory (Paris Saclay university) MOSS (Methods and Tools for Signals and Systems) research group.

Creativity Talks 08 – “A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective on Consciousness: Insights from the Conscious Turing Machine” by Lenore and Manuel Blum

The eighth session of the Creativity Talks will have as keynote speakers the distinguished Professors at Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Lenore Blum and Manuel Blum.

Lenore and Manuel Blum, recipients of the PAESMEM and Turing awards, respectively, will present at FEUP “A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective on Consciousness: Insights from the Conscious Turing Machine” on September 29, at 18:00, in Room B032, and also streamed online via Youtube.

“We are Theoretical Computer Scientists. Theoretical Computer Science is a subarea of Mathematics that has tools, we claim, ideally suited to understanding consciousness. We have applied these tools to produce a model of consciousness that we call the Conscious Turing Machine (CTM). Our model gives insight into what goes on in our head to cause us to feel conscious. It also suggests how machines may be constructed to be conscious.

A Turing Machine (TM) is a very simple device defined mathematically by Alan Turing. There is no way that anyone would or should consider a TM to be conscious. However, with the advent of fMRI in 1990, advances in Neuroscience, and the Global Neuronal Workspace Models of Baars, Changeaux, and Dehaene, we have defined a variant of TM, the CTM, that we argue gives insight into consciousness.

Lenore will present and explain our model of consciousness, the CTM. Manuel will discuss how and why the CTM experiences feelings of consciousness”, shares Prof. Blum.

To attend the lecture at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, please register HERE! Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. Online participation does not require any registration.

Talk link:

Lenore Blum has been passionate about mathematics since she was 10. She attributes that to having dropped out of school when she was 9 to wander the world, then hit the ground running when she returned and became fascinated with the Euclidean Algorithm. Her interests turned to non-standard models of mathematics, and of computation. As a graduate student at MIT, she showed how to use saturated model theory to get new results in differential algebra. Later, with Mike Shub and Steve Smale, she developed a foundational theory for computing and complexity over continuous domains such as the real or complex numbers. The theory generalizes the Turing-based theory (for discrete domains) and has been fundamental for computational mathematics. Lenore is internationally known for her work in increasing the participation of girls and women in STEM and is proud that CMU has gender parity in its undergraduate CS program. Lenore is currently president of the Association for Mathematical Consciousness Science. Lenore Blum:

Manuel Blum has been motivated to understand the mind/body problem since he was in second grade when his teacher told his mom she should not expect him to get past high school. As an undergrad at MIT, he spent a year studying Freud and then apprenticed himself to the great anti-Freud neurophysiologist Warren S. McCulloch, who became his intellectual mentor. When he told Warren (McCulloch) and Walter (Pitts) that he wanted to study consciousness, he was told in no uncertain terms that he was verboten to do so – and why. As a graduate student, he asked and got Marvin Minsky to be his thesis advisor. Manuel is one of the founders of complexity theory, a Turing Award winner, and has mentored many in the field who have chartered new directions ranging from computational learning, cryptography, zero knowledge, interactive proofs, proof checkers, and human computation. Manuel Blum:

DEI Talks | “Efficient Engineering of Systems of Systems” by Prof. Jerker Delsing

Professor Delsings research profile can be entitled “Internet of Thing Services and Systems”, with applications to automation in large and complex industry and society systems. Addressing design, engineering, and deployment of System of Systems (SoS) capable of collaborative automation, Prof. Delsing and his EISLAB group has participated in important EU projects like SocradesIMC-AESOP, Arrowhead and Productive4.0 project.

“Efficient Engineering of Systems of Systems” will be presented July the 26th, at 10:00, room I-105.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

“Delsing has a long standing in ultrasound sensor technology in particularly applied to flow measurement. His present research profile can be entitled “Internet of Thing Services and Systems”, with applications to automation in large and complex industry and society systems. The approach is based on Internet of Things (IoT) and the design engineering, and deployment of System of Systems (SoS) capable of collaborative automation. The integration and manufacturing of necessary electronics is a of key interest. Prof. Delsing and his EISLAB group has been a partner of several large EU projects in the field, e.g. Socrades and IMC-AESOP and ESIS. Currently he is the coordinator of the very large ARTEMIS project Arrowhead,  with 78 partners and a budget of 69M€.

Delsing has been supervisor for 37 students receiving the PhD degree, with some 45+ students in total for the EISLAB group. His list of publications can be found at:

Delsing is highly involved in the innovations systems related to automation and embedded systems. At the European level he is steering board member of ARTEMIS, board member of ProcessIT.EU. At national (Sweden) level he is board member of ProcessIT Innovations and ESIS. From 1998 – 2015 he was the chairman of ITF (Instrument Tekniska Föreningen/Instrument Society of Sweden) with about 1.000 automation engineers as members.”


“Prof. Jerker Delsing received the M.Sc. in Engineering Physics at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1982. In 1988 he received the PhD. degree in Electrical Measurement at the Lund University. During 1985 – 1988 he worked part time at Alfa-Laval – SattControl (now ABB) with development of sensors and measurement technology. In 1994 he got the docent degree (associate prof) in Heat and Power Engineering. Early 1995 he was appointed full professor in Industrial Electronics at Luleå University of Technology where he currently is working as the scientific head of EISLAB, For the period 2004-2006 he also served as Dean of the engineering faculty at Luleå University of Technology.”


DEI OPEN DAY | Return in loco on July 12

On July 12th, DEI Open Day 2022 will finally return to in loco format.

This event takes place annually and aims to be a showcase of the teaching and research activity of the Department of Informatics Engineering of FEUP, with the goal of strengthening the collaboration of DEI with companies and its connection to the community.

Exploring this year’s theme, “Undergraduate + Masters to train the computer engineers of the future“, themes such as the role of undergraduate degrees and masters in the comprehensive training of Computer Engineers will be addressed in a joint reflection between teachers and guests from industry.

There will also be an opportunity to learn about ongoing projects in the DEI laboratories and, after lunch, a visit to the stands of these laboratories and the π Projects Fair (projects of final-year students of L.EIC undergraduate course).

+ info: programme

DEI Talks |”From building installations, through archaeology to precision agriculture” – Projects of the Jaén Graphics and Geomatics Group (GGGJ)

“From building installations, through archaeology to precision agriculture ” will be presented July the 13th, room B019 , at 15:00.


 The GGGJ research group celebrates its 25th anniversary working in two areas, Computer Graphics and Geomatics. The projects that have been awarded lately are also in these lines of research.

The so-called project: “Computer Graphics tool for 3D and 4D data management. Applying VR & AR techniques to Urban Infrastructures and Archaeology” (2018-2021) completed in December 2021, is oriented to 4D models hidden or disappeared for the view.

New projects now active are focused on Precision Agriculture, mostly oriented to the olive grove. The last one granted by the Spanish Ministry (180,000 euros) is entitled:” 3D/4D tools for the generation of digital twins of rural environments. Applications” starts in September and has a duration of 3 years.


Francisco Feito, graduated in Mathematics (specializing in Pure Mathematics) in 1977, at the Complutense University of Madrid. After 12 years in pre-university teaching, he joined the University of Granada (Jaen Campus). In 1993 (already constituted the University of Jaen) he was elected Director of the Department of Computer Science (which included, and still includes, the areas of Computer Languages and Systems, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Computer Architecture and Technology). In 1997 he was appointed General Director of Curriculum and Quality of the University of Jaén and in 1999 Vice-Rector of Research and International Relations (until 2002). Subsequently he was again Director of the department from 2004 to 2008. He has been a member of the faculty and of several University committees.

Areas of interest: Geometric Modeling; Solid Modeling; Algorithms in Computer Graphics; Geomatics; Computational Geometry; Spatial Information Systems; Geographic Information Systems; Precision Agriculture in the Olive Grove; Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality; Simulation; Smart City; Digital Twin- Digital Twin.

Lidia. M. Ortega received the BSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada (Spain), and the PhD degree from the University of Seville. She has been an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at University of Jaén teaching at the High Polytechnics Institute since the 90s. Her research work focuses on computational Geometry applied to Computer Graphic, 3D-GIS, Spatial databases, Geomatics and Agriculture precision.

2022 MDSE – Sunset Session: Ethics and Responsability in AI

With the preparation of the 3rd edition of the M.Sc. on Data Science and Engineering ( well under way, it is time to look back at what was accomplished so far and also to project the future. This will be done as part of the 2022 MDSE Sunset Session, on the 2nd July (Saturday), in room B032, in a relaxed environment but focused on a very important topic: Ethics and Responsability in AI.

The program will feature two keynote talks, by Ana Costa e Silva (Mercer) and Pedro Saleiro (Feedzai), as well as a panel discussion including Inês de Matos Pinto (S&D Group @ European Parliament)Inês Sousa (Fraunhofer Portugal) and Peter van der Putten (Pegasystems & U. Leiden), moderated by Eugénio Oliveira (FEUP). During the event MDSE students will also present some of their projects.

The event is targeted both to companies, looking for talent in Data Science, as well as prospect students, looking for an advanced education on Data Science.

Participation is free but requires registration here.


14:30 – Opening – João Mendes Moreira – Director of the M.Sc. on Data Science and Engineering (MDSE)

14:40 – Ana Costa e Silva – Global Chief of Data Science @ Mercer, TBA – introduced by António Pedro Aguiar

15:10 – Pedro Saleiro – Director of AI Research @ Feedzai, challenges in the development of responsible AI research/solutions in Industry – introduced by José Luís Borges

15:40 – MDSE Student Showcase – introduced by Ana Aguiar

  • Cláudia Pinheiro: AI-based cancer characterization using semi-supervised learning algorithms
  • Diogo Queirós: Reconciling prediction in the regression setting: an application to Portuguese breweries’ market share prediction
  • Nuno Gaspar: Prediction of Shell Finite-Element Stresses using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Rafael Guedes: Data, machine vision and reinforcement learning for explainable and safe autonomous driving of platooning vehicles
  • Wagner Ceulin: Predicting customer purchasing behavior of a self-care online store
  • João Pedro Pêgo: Predicting candidate engagement in a job matchmaking site

16:30 – Coffee Break

17:10 – Panel discussion – moderated by Eugénio de Oliveira – Emeritus Professor @ FEUP

18:20 – Closing João Mendes Moreira – Director of the MDSE

18.30 – Sunset Drinks & Networking

19.30 – End of the event

We are very grateful to our partner for their support

DEI Talks | ”Mergeable Nervous System for Robot Swarms” by Marco Dorigo

Marco Dorigo is the proponent of the well-known “Ant Colony Optimization” meta-heuristic optimization algorithm and a leading researcher in the field of swarm robotics, which allows groups of individually very simple agents/robots to obtain group intelligence that allows coordinating large groups of autonomous agents/robots without relying on any external infrastructure or any form of centralized control. This approach is very promising for performing tasks that are too difficult or dangerous for humans using very simple and inexpensive sets of agents/robots.

 ”Mergeable Nervous System for Robot Swarms” will be presented June 29, at 16:00, in room I-105.


Typically, robot swarms coordinate through self-organization. With the proposal of the mergeable nervous system concept, we study how self-organization can be made more powerful as a tool to coordinate the activities of a robot swarm by injecting some components of hierarchical control. In the presentation, I will give a brief overview of the mergeable nervous systems concept and then illustrate the first steps we have made in implementing it in a heterogeneous swarm composed of drones and ground robots.


Marco Dorigo received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering in 1992 from Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. From 1992 to 1993, he was a Research Fellow at the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA. In 1993, he was a NATO-CNR Fellow, and from 1994 to 1996, a Marie Curie Fellow. Since 1996, he has been a tenured Researcher of the FNRS, the Belgian National Funds for Scientific Research, and co-director of IRIDIA, the artificial intelligence laboratory of the ULB. His current research interests include swarm intelligence, swarm robotics, and metaheuristics for discrete optimization. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Swarm Intelligence, and an Associate Editor or member of the Editorial Boards of many journals on computational intelligence and adaptive systems. Dr. Dorigo is a Fellow of the AAAI, EurAI, and IEEE. He was awarded numerous international prizes among which the Marie Curie Excellence Award in 2003, the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award in 2015, and the IEEE Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award, awarded in 2016.

DEI Talks | “A Geographies of born-digital translation: TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] as a case study” by Anne Karhio

Dr Anne Karhio’s work addresses topics related to contemporary poetry and technology, Irish literature and culture, and literary landscapes in various media environments. After her appointment as Associate Professor in English at the Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences, she is currently based in the National University of Ireland, Galway, as Lecturer in Contemporary English Literature in the School of English and Creative Arts. She is also Associate Professor II in Digital Culture at the University of Bergen, Norway, and has published widely on contemporary Irish poetry, digital literature, and the aesthetics of space and landscape.

“A Geographies of born-digital translation: TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] as a case study” will be presented June 27, at I-105, 15:00.


 This presentation addresses the challenges of linguistic, geographical, and cultural translation through the specific case of J.R. Carpenter’s born-digital work TRANS.MISSION[A.DIALOGUE] and its translation from English into Finnish. I will consider how the challenges of linguistic translation from a European to a non-European language are further complicated by the requirements of code, as well as the translation of sociocultural context. Through its focus on technology, mobility, and migration, I suggest, Carpenter’s work invites us to consider the entangled connections between infrastructural geographies and the language of communications technology.

LGP is back on June 15 for “The Unboxing Edition”

Lionesa Business Hub hosts on June 15 the event Linking Great Partners, which takes place throughout the day with a fair space (for demonstration of the products developed), several lectures and networking space. This year’s edition of the event was named “The Unboxing Edition“, as it is the first time that it takes place outside the walls of the University, in order to reinforce the importance of the connection with companies.

There are 24 proto-startups created by about 250 students enrolled in the curricular unit of Project Management Laboratory (LGP), from several courses of the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) and also involving 5 students from the Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUP) of the U.Porto, to respond to real problems identified by the 16 partner organizations and to problems identified in the market.

As stated by the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel at the launch of the European initiative “Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education”, universities play a critical role in the development and growth of local and regional innovation ecosystems. By promoting experimentation and the connection between science, technology, culture and art, this educational project at the U.Porto, this year supported by the INVENTHEI project – Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (, fits into the foundations of the European initiative, developing in students the skills that allow them to create innovative solutions that result from a creative and interdisciplinary mentality.

By applying agile software development methods and lean experimentation, student teams have developed several innovative technological solutions, such as AutoRocket+, a rocket navigation simulator, designed for all levels of primary and secondary education, in which students can design and program a rocket with autonomous decision-making capacity, at the request of Visionarium. In this 2022 edition, a solution for the interactive identification of defects in the automobile industry was also designed for the Stellantis Production Centre in Mangualde, and also the app CheapShop, an entrepreneurial project that aims to help choose the best place to do the weekly shopping. There is also an installation that merges art with technology and that has the war in Ukraine as its theme. These are just some examples of the projects that will be demonstrated during the event.

Gil Gonçalves, coordinator of the curricular unit and Professor of the Department of Informatics Engineering of FEUP, highlights that this initiative is essential for “students to understand that the collaborative, entrepreneurial and creative spirit are fundamental ingredients in the innovation and success of any project” and adds that “LGP”, through its teaching-learning model and the links it promotes and enhances between education, research and society, aims to have a systemic impact on the university, contributing to increase the innovation and entrepreneurship capacity of its students, as well as enhancing the contribution of students and the university in the regional innovation ecosystem. ”

For Raul Vidal, Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, “by involving students from various curricular spheres and distinct profiles in a collaborative work that instigates critical and creative thinking, the LGP assumes itself as a unique opportunity to develop skills in the areas of project management, teamwork, interaction with clients, marketing, communication, and so many other valences that make our students future professionals with a truly differentiated profile and prepare them to be future leaders.”

The Linking Great Partners event can be followed on the event’s social networks and Youtube channel:

Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube

XIX Conference on Information Science – 27th June 2022

JCI – Jornadas de Ciência da Informação” are an annual event promoted and organized by the students of the Bachelor and Master Degrees in Information Science (LCI and MCI), taught in partnership by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FLUP and FEUP). Being a reference in the scientific community and among professionals in the area, this event has been an opportunity for guests and participants from the industry, public institutions and academia to interact and debate current issues in the field of Information and its management.

In its 19th edition, the JCI will take place at the FLUP’s Amphitheatre, on June 27th, between 9am and 6pm. Under debate will be “THE ROLE OF INFORMATION SCIENCE FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION”.

Registration is free but compulsory (given the limited number of places available).

Follow the event on its social networks, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin.