Ivo Teixeira defends Doctoral thesis in Digital Media

The candidate Ivo Jorge Meireles de Sousa Teixeira defended yesterday, July 25, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Digital Media. Guided by Dr. José Miguel Santos Araújo Carvalhais Fonseca, it had as its theme “The Increased Space in the Artistic Experience: Screens, Systems and Physical Contexts”.

We congratulate you.

Fully funded Ph.D. Grant in Prescriptive Analytics

The Ph.D. Programme in Informatics Engineering at the University of Porto is starting a groundbreaking funding initiative in collaboration with some of the leading IT companies in Portugal to support outstanding candidates in areas including machine learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering, blockchain and others.
The funding includes:
-a monthly grant of 1100€ (above the value of the portuguese national grants, 980€)
-tuition fees
-some additional funding for traveling and equipment
-2 MSc grants/year, to be supervised by the PhD student
The candidate should have a very strong background in Informatics engineering, computer science and, ideally in artificial intelligence/machine learning.
The first grant is funded by InovRetail and aims to develop a platform for prescriptive analytics to automate decision making processes based on predictive models. The project will be supervised by Carlos Soares.
Interested students should send a 1 page PDF document to csoares@fe.up.pt — UNTIL 30/JULY/2018 —, containing:
-a summarized CV
-a one paragraph statement of why you should be selected for the grant
Additional advantages of this initiative are:
-a PhD project tightly coupled with industry and focused on problems of great interest to industry;
-Access to training activities and workshops promoted by the funding company (including training on additional technical areas and soft skills);
-Advice on writing the cv, on best ways to behave on interviews, on time management, etc.
-Privileged access to technical reports and technology;
-Advise on business plans and IP (registration, patent applications, etc.)
-Privileged access to investors investor capital and startup programs;
-Possibility to achieve higher impact based on the combination of two worlds (academia + industry) and on the associated  resources;
-Influence and propose future technology, methodologies, and practices (Informatics Engineering of the Future);
-Acquire the expertise to strongly contribute to decision making in terms of technology;
The Ph.D. project will be carried out at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, one of the most dynamic and fastest growing departments of the U. Porto.

More information about the Ph.D. Programme in Informatics Engineering at the University of Porto can be found at https://dei.fe.up.pt/prodei/en/home/

Alexandre Perez defends Doctoral thesis in Informatics Engineering

The candidate Alexandre Campos Perez defended yesterday, July 24, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Computer Engineering. Guided by Dr. Rui Filipe Lima Maranhão de Abreu, it had as its theme ‘Spectrum-based Diagnosis: Measurements, Improvements and Applications’.

We congratulate you.

Data analysis made easy

A General Introduction to Data Analytics, a book by João Mendes Moreira, André de Carvalho and Tomás Horváth, published by Wiley, describes the principles and methods of data analysis in an approach that can be understood by readers without specific knowledge of statistics or Programming.


About the authors: João Moreira is a professor in the Computer Engineering Department at Oporto University, Portugal, and holds a PhD from the Oporto University. Won the Best Paper Award at the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Data And Application Mining, Guilin, China; André Carvalho is a Computer Science Department professor at the São Paulo University, Brazil, having completed his Ph.D. at Kent University  in Canterbury, UNITED KINGDOM, and is one of the founders and first editors-in-chief of the International Computational Intelligence and Applications Journal, imperial college press and world scientific; and Tomas Horvath is an assistant professor at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, and holds a PhD from the Computer Science Institute at Pavol Jozef Safarik University.

Data Analysis Made Easy

ENG: The book A General Introduction to Data Analytics by João Mendes Moreira, André de Carvalho and Tomás Horváth, published by Wiley,  describes the principles and methods of data analysis in an approach that can be understood by readers without specific knowledge of statistics or programming:

About the authors: João Moreira is a professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. He received his Ph.D. from University of Porto. Moreira is winner of the Best Paper Award at the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Guilin, China; André Carvalho is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom. Carvalho is one of the founding and first chief editors of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Imperial College Press and World Scientific; and Tomas Horvath is an assistant professor at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Computer Science in Pavol Jozef Safarik University.

Maria Dulce Mota defends Doctoral thesis in Informatics Engineering

The candidate Maria Dulce Fernandes Mota defended yesterday, July 16, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Computer Engineering. Guided by Dr. Luís Paulo Gonçalves dos Reis, its theme was “A model for teaching-learning techniques recommendation to support teaching-learning activities design”.

Hugo Miguel Silva defends Doctoral thesis in Digital Media

The candidate Hugo Miguel Gonçalves Crespo Machado da Silva defended yesterday, July 12, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Digital Media. Guided by Dr. António Fernando Vasconcelos Cunha Castro Coelho and Dr. Rui Pedro Amaral Rodrigues, the theme was “Applying Real-time Strategy Game Principles to Emergency Management”.

João Miguel Barros Aguiar defends Doctoral thesis in Digital Media

The candidate João Miguel Barros Aguiar Pereira defended yesterday, July 11, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Digital Media. Guided by Dr. José Manuel Pereira Azevedo, it had as its theme “Digital Cleavages and Civic and Political Participation: What kind of citizenship for the 21st century”.

Doctoral Exams: “the increased space in the artistic experience: screens, systems and physical contexts”

PhD Exams in Digital Media

Required by:

Ivo Jorge Meireles de Sousa Teixeira


Date, Time and Location

July 25 at 10:30 a.m., in the Act Room of Engineering Faculty

Jury President

Dr. Jorge Manuel Pinho de Sousa, FEUP Professor 


Dr. Sandra Vieira Jürgens, Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History Department,Social and Human Sciences Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa;

Dr. Ana Maria of Assunção Carvalho, Assistant Professor at Maia Institute University;

Doctor Vítor Joaquim Paredes Fernandes, Visiting Assistant Professor at Portuguese Arts School of Catholic University;

Dr. José Miguel Santos Araújo Carvalhais Fonseca, Assistant Professor, Design Department, Fine Arts Faculty, OPorto University (Advisor);

Dr. André Rangel Macedo, Visiting Assistant Professor, Fine Arts Department, Fine Arts Faculty, Oporto University 

Dr. Rui Luis Nogueira Penha, Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Oporto University.

Fernando Governo defends Doctoral thesis in Digital Media

The candidate Fernando Governo defended yesterday, July 5, 2018, his doctoral thesis in Digital Media. Guided by Dr. Aurora Amélia Castro Teixeira, it had as its theme “A Social Content Network Proposal for World Films: Three Essays on the Topic”.